300字范文 > 中美青年携手开创美好互联网未来——中国青年网 触屏版

中美青年携手开创美好互联网未来——中国青年网 触屏版

时间:2021-11-10 04:38:36


中美青年携手开创美好互联网未来——中国青年网 触屏版

“中美大学生共话互联网梦想”论坛现场,中美青年代表宣读倡议书。中国青年网记者 李拓 摄

中国青年网乌镇12月16日电(记者 吴楚 李正穹)12月16日,第二届世界互联网大会“中美大学生共话互联网梦想”论坛在乌镇枕水酒店华美宫成功举办,来自哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、斯坦福大学等12所美国大学以及清华大学、北京大学、浙江大学等10多所中国大学300多位学生共同探讨网络发展,共话互联网梦想。与会中美大学生就携手建设、发展和维护好共有的网络空间,共同开创更加美好的互联网未来进行了充分沟通交流,并向中美大学生发出共同倡议。



The Internet is deemed as a crucial disseminator of excellent human culture,a strong advocate for a force for good,and a catalyst to innovation and social progress。Naturally bonded with the young generation,the web is exerting a profound impact on the mentality,work and life of this particular group。Blessed with most dynamism and abundant dreams,young people enjoy the greatest access to and most extensive and creative use of the web,and therefore continuously weave and fulfill their beautiful dreams through the Internet。Both the future of the entire world and the future of the Internet belong to the young people。


In an attempt to bolster China-US Internet cultural exchanges and jointly establish a cyber space featuring peace,security,inclusiveness and collaboration,we student participants are making a call for action as follows:


——Innovation and mutual learning to nurture a diverse and civil-minded Internet through young people’s ingenuity:We need to actively capitalize upon the Internet to draw inspirations from different civilizations,and digitally strive to conserve,inherit and advocate for the essence of human civilization。Our mutual exchange and understanding is believed to promote the inclusiveness, mutual learning and common prosperity of oriental and occidental civilization,to boost effective communication between young people of the two countries,and to add vigor and vitality to cultural innovation。In this sense,the cultures of the two countries would be more colorful,and the world as a whole even more harmonious。


——Promoting opening-up and collaboration and sharing growth opportunities in the Internet Age through young people’s concrete actions。Riding the waves of Internet development, young people of the two countries are encouraged to tap into each other’s comparative advantages,and boost mutual understanding,in a bid to firmly seize the opportunity for growth,and intensify communication and cooperation on the Internet front。We are equally committed to exploring more potential fields of mutual benefits,cooperation for growth and creating a win-win scenario,to sharing experiences on online business,culture and life,and to jointly ushering in a prosperous and promising era of the Internet。


—— Empowered to maintain order on the Internet,safeguard the freedom and establish a positive cyber community。Dedicated to bringing the benefit of the Internet to the entire mankind by delivering positive,encouraging and rational messages and fiercely resisting information and behavior,which are detrimental to the healthy growth of teenagers and young people including but not limited to cyber bullying,cyber rumor,Internet fraud and Internet pornography。While basking in the sunshine of online freedom and happiness,we the young people need to shoulder our due share of obligation of maintaining order on the Internet and collectively creating an e-community teeming with sunshine。


—— Expected to take the initiative to strengthen communication and consensus,and foster prosperous growth of the Internet。It is imperative to help a soaring number of teenagers with online knowledge acquisition,get involved in cultural exchange and healthy social-networking,and narrow the digital gap to ensure the fairness and justice in the digital world。No efforts would be spared to collectively promote Internet sharing and governance,and an equitable and rational online governance system,which in turn meet the growing demands and expectations of,and share the fruits of Internet growth with an increasing number of young people, and deliver happiness to the peoples of the two countries and the world as a whole。


The Internet shapes the young generation,whereas the young people blaze the trail of cyber development。Let us join hands to cultivate and maintain our shared online community,create an even more promising future of the Internet,and make our due contribution as young people to the new model of major-country relationship between China and the United States。

作者:吴楚 李正穹
