300字范文 > 「情话」想和你一起喝酒 然后醉倒在你怀里

「情话」想和你一起喝酒 然后醉倒在你怀里

时间:2020-07-27 14:12:48


「情话」想和你一起喝酒 然后醉倒在你怀里

想和你一起喝酒 然后醉倒在你怀里

I want to drink with you and get drunk in your arms.

你是我望穿秋水的等待 索性的是你没有让我失望

我去过的每一个地方 有过的每一条路 都带着我对你最深沉的爱

You are I look through the autumn water waiting for you not to let me down.

Every place Ive been, every road Ive ever had, carries with it my deepest love for you.

我想和你一起 一起享受那岁月静好

我最好的状态就是和你在一起的时候 你是我生活中源源不断的惊喜和感动

I want to enjoy the quiet years with you.

My best state is to be with you when you are a constant source of surprises and moves in my life.

能治愈我的 不是时间 不是新欢 始终都只有你

我是个俗人 不求什么轰轰烈烈 地久天长只要是你 一刻我都满足

要让自己变得更好 足够配得上你

Its not time that can cure me, its not new joy, its always just you.

I am a common man do not ask for what sensational long as it is you a moment I am satisfied.

To make yourself better is enough to match you.

我是个普通小孩 我热爱生活 同样热爱你


Im an ordinary kid, I love life, I love you.

May everything be relevant to you this winter.

遇见你 没了清醒 只剩温柔

我想牵着你的手 一起面朝阳光站在云端

Meet you, no sobriety, only gentleness.

I want to hold your hand and stand in the clouds facing the sun.
