300字范文 > 失落满满的丧系句子 心酸无助 扎心不已!

失落满满的丧系句子 心酸无助 扎心不已!

时间:2021-04-27 10:32:04


失落满满的丧系句子 心酸无助 扎心不已!


Really envy fish, no temperature and no heartbeat, only seven seconds of memory, no feelings, carefree, even tears are covered by the sea.

一瞬间想通了 释然了,下一秒又想不通了怨恨了,每天都在这样不停的循环中,大道理都懂,可小情绪却难自控。

For a moment, I was relieved, and for the next second, I was unable to think about resentment. Every day, I was in such a continuous cycle, and I understood the main principles, but I could not control the small emotions.


Don think that life is not worth living if your eyes are red. Its the normal state of the world to break up. You and I are no exception.

我本来就很麻烦 爱哭 爱胡思乱想,这些换谁 谁都受不了,我知道,所以我没有打算成为别人的偏爱。

Ive been in trouble, crying and thinking. No one can stand these changes. I know, so Im not going to be someone elses preference.


Who is not, with absolute lucidity and reason, to suppress the love and suffering in the bottom of my heart.

能描述出来的辛苦,可能都是咬咬牙就会扛的过去, 但真正的苦,根本就是,说不出口的一种痛楚。

The hard work that can be described may be the past that can be carried by biting ones teeth, but the real pain is a kind of pain that can be said.


Always in a moment suddenly very sad, like a few days of accumulated enthusiasm, snapped to pieces.


Sometimes, we are like the fish in the fish tank. We want to say a lot, but when we open our mouth, we become a series of ellipsis, and finally we all stay in our heart silently.


Every time I wake up in the afternoon, I feel sad and cool, cold and clear, and I feel life is so boring.


