300字范文 > 深夜会看哭的扎心句子 句句戳心入骨 说到心坎里!

深夜会看哭的扎心句子 句句戳心入骨 说到心坎里!

时间:2024-02-22 09:51:55


深夜会看哭的扎心句子 句句戳心入骨 说到心坎里!


After growing up, a person to work, a person to eat and sleep, put on earplugs, always listen to lonely songs, as if the world is just a person


Busy days, there is not much to look forward to, there is not much surprise, strong appearance of that sensitive and weak heart, only their own in the bitter protection


Always thought that their own emotions, joys and sorrows, joys and sorrows, there is always a distant but not far away person will patiently understand, will accompany all the way, and finally even occasionally care is very little


It doesn matter to lose, doesn matter to get, if you can really do not matter, which is full of fatigue and tears at night?


There is no pursuit of material, always eager for reasonable, and has been working hard, but what I think, what I think in my heart, has always run counter to me


As if the days of laughter, have been very far away, once thought growing up is a very pleasant thing, now I think growing up is a very brave thing


Passing by the lights of thousands of homes, sighing at the number of worldly affairs, looking back, I am still alone in running for the lamp, and I dare not stop when I am tired


I don want much. I just want to try to be different from others. Now Im afraid of the long night and the years are long


Sent a message to a friend who hasn been in touch for a long time


How are you doing?


Maybe she was silent for a while


"Try to live"


Five words, instantly stabbed pain in my heart, this is not considered empathy?


I cried with alcohol. Maybe only at this time can I dare to shed tears freely. They just think that I am drunk, and they will not see through my pain at a glance


Quietly avoid those crowded crowd, avoid those who want to chat up the eyes, used to lonely, used to a person


Refused your enthusiasm, not because of indifference, is afraid to rely on, you suddenly withdraw, will let me pain, even the remaining loneliness are too sad
