300字范文 > 不忘初心 牢记使命 是中国共产党能成功的关键

不忘初心 牢记使命 是中国共产党能成功的关键

时间:2018-12-05 09:41:15


不忘初心 牢记使命 是中国共产党能成功的关键








世界上没有哪个政治家可以有把握地说出国家的长期规划是什么,但在中国是可能的,不仅让人相信这是可能的,也让人看到了过去三四十年里中国一直是按照规划发展的。因此,习主席提出接下来30年左右的愿景是值得信赖的。而且在这一愿景里,中国可以用自己的治理方式进行组织和决策,带领全国人民一步步地朝着目标迈进。所以我认为,就中国的具体经验而言,这一愿景看起来是令人信服的。No politician can safely say what is the long-term plan for the country. But in China, this is possible, and not only that one can believe that this is possible, one can see that in the past three, four decades, but China has also been developing according to a vision.So when President Xi comes with a vision for the next 30 years or so, it is a credible vision and one which allows the Chinese form of governance to organize and to take decisions that would lead the country step by step closer to those objectives.So I think in the specific experience of China, this vision looks completely convincing.中国在分阶段推进治国理政,但是都围绕着一个长远愿景。我想说,我印象最深的也正是这个长期愿景。因为放眼当今世界,大多数国家的政治家们处理的都是眼前危机。他们的政策仅关乎前后选举之间,没有什么精力处理长期愿景。十九大能聚焦长期远景,这是非常令人瞩目的,尤其是就世界整体情况而言,这难能可贵。The governance works in stages, but with a long-term vision. I would say that the impression is precisely in its long-term vision. Because nowadays, if you look around the world, politicians in most countries are dealing with a day-to-day crises. They are dealing with policies between one election and the next election. There is very little energy available for dealing with long-term visions.And the fact that the 19th Congress was able to put long-term needs in the center of attention, that’s very impressive, especially in the context of looking at the whole situation around the world.


西方一些人说中国很糟糕,因为中国共产党没有建立西方式的议会制民主,这很可笑。中国共产党从未承诺过要建立西方议会制民主。他们承诺会为中国赢得尊重,承诺为中国创造更加美好的生活,承诺给中国人民带来福祉。他们也兑现了自己的承诺。It’s ridiculous in the West when they say that it’s terrible that China’s Communist Party has not created the western-style parliamentary democracy.The Communist Party never promised it’s going to create one. They say we are going to create national respect for China. We are going to create a better life for China. We are going to create social well-being for China and it’s delivered.


在西方,很多人都在讨论中国共产党在政治进程中扮演的角色,它在推动中国向前发展时发挥的作用,和它在世界舞台上扮演的角色。这取决于你看待问题的角度。因为在我看来,中国的政治进程以及中国共产党的执政方式都出现了很多重大变化。This is being discussed quite a lot in the West the role of the Chinese Communist Party, its role in the political process, its role in moving China ahead and it’s actually its role in the world. So it’s a question from which direction you review it. Because in my mind, I think that there are important changes going on in terms of the political process, also in terms of the Chinese Communist Party.例如,中国共产党提高了其办事效率以及治理能力。相比过去,干部队伍更为年轻化,受教育程度更高。因此我认为中国共产党能够不断提高其执政能力。我想这对于中国的政治改革进程而言是非常重要的。For example, the Chinese Communist Party improved its efficiency, its ability to govern. Look at the issues, then you see that Chinese officials, Chinese cadres today are much better educated, are younger than they used to be. So I think that the Chinese Communist Party is able to base itself on a very able and very efficient and very competent bureaucracy. And as long as that is possible, I think that is very important for the reform process.
