300字范文 > 朋友圈的黄金美句 满满的正能量 总有一句适合你

朋友圈的黄金美句 满满的正能量 总有一句适合你

时间:2024-05-12 11:22:51


朋友圈的黄金美句 满满的正能量 总有一句适合你

认输是弱者的咆哮,沉默奋进是强者的步伐。Defeat is the roar of the weak, silent endeavour is the pace of the strong.

与自身扬帆无关的漩涡,起不了什么风浪,但逆风而行的向往,就需在涡流里重生,畅游!Do not have nothing to do with their own sails vortex, what wind and waves, but against the wind and travel yearning, need to be reborn in the vortex out of danger!立志做一个野心勃勃,配得上应对风雨险阻的逆天改命之人。Aspire to be an ambitious, worthy of dealing with the wind and rain to change life.你只需强大,逆风的方向才是你的执着,你的追逐。You only need to be strong, the direction of the wind is your persistence, your pursuit。黑夜里黑色的眼睛需要光明去点缀,去嘶吼的撞开光明之门。Dark eyes in the night need light to ornament, to roar the door of light!我喜欢尽我毕生之力取自己所应得的,争自己想要的,做一个潇洒霸气的人。 I like to try my best to get what I deserve, fight for what I want, and be a natural and domineering person.

你只需努力,埋头向前,其他的留给时间,它会给你答案。You just have to work hard, keep your head down, and leave the rest to time, and it will give you the answers.在某一瞬间,自己立的豪言壮志被一腔热血所牵引涌出,却实现不了,不必惆怅,起码在那一瞬间,你是斗志满满,霸气外露的不甘斗者。In a moment, oneself set lofty aspirations by a cavity warm blood traction gush, but can not achieve, do not.

努力的矛头从来不指向失败,而是向光明冲刺。Efforts are never directed towards failure, but towards the light.只有自己强大了,才能站在高处,眺望远方的江山。Only when you are strong can you stand on high and look into the distance.沉默中充满着死寂,那就逆向而生,干的就是死寂,你就是黑夜中的烟火。Silence is full of dead silence, it is born in reverse, dry is dead silence, you are the fireworks in the night.

对一件事有了自己的规划后,就要像雄狮一样闪电般的出击,目标就是拿下它,相信你自己,当你目光盯准猎物的时候,就已经成功了一半。After you have your own plan for a thing, you should strike like a lion like lightning, the goal is to take.自己认准的,在脚下的路,那就去冲刺,只要你想,所有的人都会为你让路,请记住,冲刺的时候最美最帅!people will make way for you, please remember, sprint the most beautiful most handsome!没有什么好抱怨的,其实你就是懒一点,别的丝毫不比别人差。complain about, in fact, you are just a little lazy, the other is no worse than others.现在我要告诉你,你只需做你自己,你生来的道路就是走向卓越,就是和别人不一样。Now Im going to tell you, you just have to be yourself, you were born to excel, to be different.
