300字范文 > 致自己的朋友圈心情语录 简短洋气 写进心窝里!

致自己的朋友圈心情语录 简短洋气 写进心窝里!

时间:2024-07-15 08:47:30


致自己的朋友圈心情语录 简短洋气 写进心窝里!

一、你可以整晚追剧,你可以夜生活丰富,只要第二天你能精神饱满地做好本职工作。放纵是不是错,取决于你能不能为你的放纵负责。You can chase dramas all night, you can have a rich night life, as long as the next day you can do your job energetically. Whether indulgence is wrong depends on whether you are responsible for your indulgence.

二、 结了婚以后男人总会说,我妈养大我不容易,要对我妈好点。但又有多少男人会对妈说,妈,我老婆离开父母一个人来到咱家不容,您可要好好的对她。After getting married, men always say that its not easy for my mother to raise me, so be kind to my mother. But how many men would say to their mother, "Mom, its not allowed for my wife to leave her parents and come to our house alone. You should treat her well."

三、若无其事,原来是最好的报复。何必向不值得的人证明什么,生活得更好,是为了自己。人的牙齿是硬的,舌头是软的,到了人生的最后,牙齿都掉光了,舌头却不会掉,所以要柔软,人生才能长久。If nothing happens, it is the best revenge. Why prove to the unworthy that life is better for oneself? Mans teeth are hard and his tongue is soft. At the end of his life, his teeth are all gone, but his tongue will not fall out. So he must be soft so that life can last forever.

四、 心眼多了,你朋友就少了。心眼少了,玩你的人就多了。你有钱了,跟你的人就多了,你没钱了,远离你的人就多了,这就是现实,别去试探人心,它会让你失望,更会让你绝望。有些事知道了就好,不必多说。有些人认识了就好,不必深交。做好自己该做的,有爱或无爱,都安然对待。If you have more eyes, you will have fewer friends. If you have fewer eyes, you will have more people to play with. If you have money, you will have more people with you. If you have no money, you will have more people who are far away from you. This is the reality. Don try to test peoples hearts. It will disappoint you and even despair you.

If you know something, you don have to say much. Some people just know each other and don need to know each other deeply. Do what you should do well, love or no love, are treated safely.

五、总有那么一个地方,一个人,让你心动,留恋不已。总有那么一个人,一句对不起,让你心痛,刻骨铭心。世界那么大,多去看一看。用心甘情愿的态度,过随遇而安的生活。遗憾,随风散去,美好,留在心底,给心灵一米阳光,温暖安放。There is always a place, a person, let you heart, nostalgia. There will always be one person, a word of sorry, let your heart ache, unforgettable. The world is so big. Go and see it more. Live a life of ease with your heart and soul. Regret, disperse with the wind, beautiful, stay in the bottom of my heart, give my heart a meter of sunshine, warm placement.

六、我坐在自己曾拥有的美好生活的废墟上,几乎被痛苦摧垮。我因恐惧而不知所措,因痛苦而茫然,但我不会恨你。每天我都对自己说:“今天我必须把爱留在心里,否则我怎么活过这一天?”I was sitting on the ruins of the good life I had, almost destroyed by pain. I am overwhelmed by fear and confused by pain, but I will not hate you. Every day I say to myself, "Today I must keep love in my heart, otherwise how can I live this day?"

七、自己喜欢的东西就不要问别人好不好看,你的生活不会因为别人的话变好,喜不喜欢,决定权还是在自己。我有一张嘴,怎么说,你都无动于衷。我有一双手,怎么做,也抱不着你。我有一双腿,怎么走,也走不进你心里。Don ask others what you like. Your life won be better because of what they say. Its up to you to decide whether you like it or not. I have a mouth, how to say, you are indifferent. I have two hands, how to do, also can not hold you. I have a pair of legs, how to go, also can not go into your heart.

八、别怕,也别怂,感情就是这样,没有失去你不会成熟,生活也是这样,没有遇到点险恶,你不会长大。你想要的,老天不一定会给你,你只有努力去争取,别辜负爱你的人,别辜负你自己。Don be afraid, don be upset. Thats the way you feel. You won grow up without losing you. The same is true of life. You won grow up without encountering some danger. God won give you what you want. You just have to strive for it. Don betray the people who love you. Don betray yourself.

九、几乎所有的女生都一样吧,有时候她们哭不是因为难过,而是需要安慰需要鼓励需要甜言蜜语。她们摔门而去制造出的动静也是为了提醒你赶紧追来。我的女友也不例外,所以我每次都很配合她,她哭我就哄,她跑我就追。只是哄她的话越来越不真诚,追她的速度越来越慢。Almost all girls are the same. Sometimes they cry not because they are sad, but because they need comfort, encouragement and sweet talk. The motions they make when they slam doors are also meant to remind you to catch up.

My girlfriend is no exception, so every time I cooperate with her, she cries and I coax, she runs and I chase. Just coax her words more and more insincere, catch up with her slower and slower.

十、生活不能等待别人来安排,要自己去争取和奋斗;而不论其结果是喜是悲,但可以慰藉的是,你总不枉在这世界上活了一场。有了这样的认识,你就会珍重生活,而不会玩世不恭;同时,也会给人自身注入一种强大的内在力量。Life can wait for others to arrange it, to strive for it and strive for it; whether the result is joy or sorrow, but it can be consoled that you have always lived in vain in this world. With this understanding, you will value life, not cynicism; at the same time, you will inject a strong inner strength into yourself.

十一、真羡慕你们一路丢了那么多人我呢 一路被人丢。我听过所有美好的故事,都发生在别人身上。路程,是生命的轨道,只有自己把握好舵的方向,再追随着航海灯的指示,才不会抵触暗礁浅滩。I really envy you for losing so many people along the way. I was lost all the way. Ive heard all the wonderful stories that happen to other people. The journey is the track of life. Only when we grasp the direction of the rudder and follow the instructions of the nautical lights, can we not conflict with the reefs and shallows.

十二、如果你想要成功,就不要去追求成功,尽管做你自己热爱的事情并且去相信它,成功就自然会到来。这个世界已经有很多人和事会让你失望,而最不应该的,就是自己还令自己失望。请记住,社会很残酷,你要活得有温度!If you want to succeed, don pursue success. Just do what you love and believe in it. Success will come naturally. There are many people and things in the world that will disappoint you, and the last thing you should do is to disappoint yourself. Please remember, society is cruel, you have to live a warm life!

十三、每个优秀的人,都有一段沉默的时光。那一段时光,是付出了很多努力,日后说起时,连自己都能被感动的日子。我们爱的那么清晰,却还是选择别离,只剩下思念的权利。Every excellent person has a period of silence. That period of time, is to pay a lot of efforts, in the future when talking about, even their own can be touched by the day. We love so clearly, but still choose to leave, only the right to miss.

十四、都说你喜欢的未必适合你,也许你不喜欢的人喜欢着你,世界那么大你,你总会遇到一个人,恰如其分的适合你,不用刻意迁就,可以任性撒娇,你们相爱,并且默契。They say that what you like may not be suitable for you. Maybe the people you don like like like like like you. The world is so big that you will always meet someone who is suitable for you. Without deliberate accommodation, you can be self-indulgent, you love each other and understand each other tacitly.

十五、所谓的勇气,是清楚地知道一切好运都不会从天而降,只有不断努力争取!世上最痛苦的事,不是生老病死,而是生命的旅程虽短,却充斥着永恒的孤寂。The so-called courage is to know clearly that all good luck will not fall from the sky, only to strive for it continuously! The most painful thing in the world is not life, old age, illness and death, but the short journey of life, but full of eternal loneliness.

十六、每个人都想,苦了,有人疼。久了,有人忆。远了,有人牵。但现实告诉我们,生活,要自己忙。苦累,要自己扛。掩藏的事,没有不显出来的。隐瞒的事,没有不露出来的。Everyone thought, bitter, someone hurt. For a long time, some people remember. Far away, someone led. But the reality tells us that we should be busy in life. If you are tired, carry it by yourself. Theres nothing hidden that doesn show up. There is nothing concealed that does not come to light.

十七、我只是倔强的认准一句话,只有当自己处于一个最好的姿态,才会有一个最好的人来爱你。你若是想遇到安静温暖的男人过简单美好的生活,首先,你自己得成为淡定与美丽的女人。若说,是什么样的训练练就了一个非常女人,排行榜首位,是单身二字。有一种魅力,叫独自走过。I just stubbornly recognize a word, only when I am in the best position, will there be a best person to love you. If you want to meet a quiet and warm man and live a simple and beautiful life, first of all, you have to be a calm and beautiful woman yourself.

If you say, what kind of training and training is a very woman, the top ranking, is the word single. There is a charm called walking alone.

十八、我们不缺心眼, 心眼这种东西, 多了,就是刁钻, 少了,就是笨蛋, 没有心眼的人,容易遭人愚弄, 心眼太多的人,没有知心朋友。We do not lack minds, minds and such things, more, is tricky, less, is a fool, no minds, easy to be fooled, too many minds, no bosom friends.

十九、如果你有看不起人的心态,请放下,如果你有瞧不起人的眼光,请摘去,别人不易,你又何必诋毁别人,时间在懂,风不转水转,也许你看不惯的人,会成为未来的贵人。If you have the mentality of despising people, please put it down. If you have the vision of despising people, please take it off. Others are not easy. Why do you need to slander others? Time knows, the wind does not change. Maybe the person you don like will become the future noble person.

二十、人只这一辈子,我们不能白来这一遭。所以让我们从快乐开始!做你想做的,爱你想爱的。做错了,不必后悔,不要埋怨,世上没有完美的人。跌倒了,爬起来重新来过。不经风雨怎能见彩虹,相信下次会走得更稳。We can come here in vain for the rest of our lives. So lets start with happiness! Do what you want to do, love what you want to love. Do wrong, do not regret, do not complain, there is no perfect person in the world. Fall down, get up and start over again. How can we see the rainbow without rain and wind? I believe we will walk more steadily next time.
