300字范文 > 网上特赞的英文佳句 美而不俗 让人元气满满每一天!

网上特赞的英文佳句 美而不俗 让人元气满满每一天!

时间:2022-11-02 01:46:13


网上特赞的英文佳句 美而不俗 让人元气满满每一天!

一、Romantic agreements used to be so sincere, but young people don know how to cherish them.、浪漫的约定曾经是那样真心,年轻的我们却不懂珍惜。

二、Like simple and beautiful pictures, clean and simple words, singing the melody of murmuring.喜欢简单美好的图画,干净质朴的文字,浅唱低吟的旋律。

三、Ordinary life should be treated with ordinary heart, your life will be more wonderful.平凡人生要用平凡的心去对待,你的人生将会更精彩。

四、The brightest sunshine in summer dispels all the sadness about you.夏日里最明媚的阳光,驱散了关于你的所有悲伤。

五、If you meet someone you like in winter, he can turn your winter into spring.如果你在冬天遇到喜欢的人,他可以把你的冬天变成春天。

六、Don hate the past. Without it, you can achieve what you are now.不要憎恨过去,没有它,你无法成就现在的自己。

七、There are many injustices in life. Don complain, because its useless.生活中有很多不公平,别抱怨,因为没有用。

八、If you are strong enough, nothing else matters; if you are not strong enough, you will be afraid of everything.自己够强大,其他无所谓;自己不强大,事事都会怕。

九、Tears, taste for yourself. Pain, carry it by yourself. In the future, go ahead by yourself.泪,自己尝。痛,自己扛。未来,自己去闯。

十、Toxic grass blossoms charming flowers, and those who harm you say what you love to hear.有毒的草开出迷人的花,害你的人说你爱听的话。

十一、Don give too much imagination to the future, give more strength to today.别给未来太多想象,多给今天一点力量。

十二、Love is not dependent, love is independent and strong, and then hard to come together.爱情不是依附,爱情是各自独立坚强,然后努力走到一起。

十三、Love doesn need you to be perfect everywhere, but it needs you to be forgiving.爱情并不需要你处处完美,但需要你变得宽恕。

十四、Believe in people, believe in feelings, believe in the existence of goodness; to be cheerful, to be tough, to live warmly.相信人,相信感情,相信善良的存在;要开朗,要坚韧,要温暖的活着。
