300字范文 > 有光的地方也正是你努力的希望 早安(早安心语)

有光的地方也正是你努力的希望 早安(早安心语)

时间:2020-08-13 21:57:32


有光的地方也正是你努力的希望 早安(早安心语)


May the sun be your warm color that will never fade.


In fact, every excellent person will have a period of silence, during this period, although they are lonely but full, they are improving themselves in obscurity, even though these days are very difficult, but they still persist, because they believe in the saying "either stand out or be out".


Learn to love yourself when no one loves you.


Don narrow your vision because of small things. You should clearly understand that the world is very big, and there are a lot of things you don see and what you want to see, so open your horizons a little bit.


Peoples hearts are full of flesh, you say he is heartless, that is because you do not know him well enough, do not know the weak side of his heart.


Keep everything in your heart and not show your feelings, because there are not many people worthy of your trust in this world.


In fact, life does not require us to do our best, but only requires us to do our best.

小时候认为 流血是一件很大的事情,但直到长大以后才发现,流泪比流血更疼。

When I was a child, I thought that bleeding was a big thing, but it was not until I grew up that I found that tears are more painful than bleeding.


Set a small goal for yourself, take your time and succeed step by step.


What is reality? The reality is that not everyone will succeed, not everyone will have a happy life, the world is not fair, if you want to be fair, then rely on your ability to win your fairness.
