300字范文 > 中国传统习俗:如何向外国友人介绍端午节习俗呢?


时间:2024-07-19 16:24:14




答案就是The Dragon Boat Festival。那么我们如何向外国友人介绍端午节习俗呢?

1、粽子(Tzung Tzu)自然是端午节的主角。粽子由于是个特殊概念,可以直接用中文音译过去的说法,也可以说rice dumpling,不过这个说法有时会和汤圆混淆,准确来说应该是glutinous rice(糯米)wrapped to form a pyramid using bamboo or reed leaves,不过这个说法太长,并不常用。

2、赛龙舟(Dragon Boat Race)也是端午的必备项目。龙舟是直接翻译过去的,简单明了,老外们对于中国的龙这一概念也是比较熟悉的所以能够方便的理解。


4、香袋(Spice Bag ),端午节当天小孩佩香囊,不但有避邪驱瘟之意,而且有襟头点缀之风。香袋用的是spice这个词是香料的意思。

5、雄黄酒(Realgar wine),雄黄可以用做解毒剂、杀虫药。于是古代人就认为雄黄可以克制蛇、蝎等百虫。但是由于雄黄这个词的英文平时用得不多,所以知道的人较少,叫realgar。

6、拴五色丝线(Tying five-color silk thread),端午节,大人在孩子手腕、脚腕、脖子上拴五色线。系线时,禁忌儿童开口说话。五色线不可任意折断或丢弃,只能在夏季第一场大雨或第一次洗澡时,抛到河里。据说,戴五色线的儿童可以避开蛇蝎类毒虫的伤害;扔到河里,意味着让河水将瘟疫、疾病冲走,从此健健康康。


下面分享一则关于屈原与端午节的故事 (中英互译)


In ancient times, there was a man named Quyuan who was a doctor under the king of Chu. Later, because many people framed Qu Yuan, the King of Chu increasingly distrusted him, believing only in treacherous ministers, and dismissed him from the post of Doctor Qu Yuan.


Quyuan was sad and thought that Chu was corrupt and incompetent. They came to the edge of the water and walked around day and night. Soon he was haggard and thin. At this time, a bird flew over and chattered to Quyuan, "Aren you a doctor under the emperor? How did you get here? Those ministers and emperors are muddleheaded. This country depends on you!! "Yes," Quyuan sighed, and went on to say, "It is because they are all fatuous, I am insufficient in resistance, the country will be corrupt! Its their fatuous people who are so many and United that the emperor won believe me." The bird was very touched and said, "Why don you go to other countries?" "Well, I ran away all of a sudden. What about Chu State? After all, I am a native of Chu, and of course I will think about Chu State! Alas, corrupt kings, treacherous ministers, the State of Chu will be destroyed in their hands."


After that, Quyuan jumped into the river with a big stone and killed himself. The bird flew to the village to tell you. The fishermen and the nearby farmers knew the news and rowed a boat to rescue Quyuan. In a few moments, a number of small boats rushed to come. But the water is like jasper, where is Quyuans shadow? They fished for half a day on the Miluo River and did not find Qu Yuan when they arrived.


The fishermen were very sad. They offered sacrifices to the river for a while and scattered the rice in the bamboo tube in the water. Why? Because they feared that the fish in the river would eat Quyuans body, they ate rice for them. Because fish can eat delicious food every time, the fish in Miluo River grow fat and strong, and the meat is delicious. On the fifth day of May, the next year, people will remember that it was the day when Quyuan threw himself into the river. They rowed boats and put rice in bamboo tubs and sprinkled it into the water to worship him.


Later, people changed the bamboo tube with rice into zongzi, boating into dragon boat racing, and called the 5th day of May Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival.
