300字范文 > 英语语法: 短语be likely to be obliged to的用法

英语语法: 短语be likely to be obliged to的用法

时间:2024-01-13 03:41:58


英语语法: 短语be likely to  be obliged to的用法

上几期学习了英语语法: 短语bas it were, at one’s best的用法、短语be anxious to, be compelled to do sth的用法、短语be determined to, be forced to do sth的用法、短语be glad to, be happy to do sth的用法

短语的用法11. be likely to有可能

用法:be likely to后面跟动词原形。

例句1:Long-living women are also more likely to be sympathetic and cooperative than women with a normal life span. (6月四级)


结构分析:Long-living women是主语,are also more likely是系表型谓语(系动词are also+表语more likely), to be sympathetic and cooperative是不定式词组作宾语,than women with a normal life span是比较状语。

12. be obliged to do sth被迫做某事

用法:be obliged to后面跟动词原形,相当于be forced to。

例句1:They were obliged to fulfill the signed contract. (6月四级)


结构分析:They是主语,were obliged是系表型谓语(系动词were +表语obliged),to fulfill the signed contract是不定式词组作宾语(在不定式中the signed contract是宾语)。

作业:1.句子结构、时态等分析;2.将英文译成中文。短语:be reluctant to do sth不情愿做某事

用法:be reluctant to后面跟动词原形,其同义短语有be unwilling to。

例句1:Big banks have been reluctant to switch to more secure technology because of the higher costs involved. (6月六级)

英语外刊,精读练习:1.句子结构、时态等分析;2.将英文译成中文。Liberian President George Weah has said he will partially lift restrictions on praying in mosques and churches aimed at curbing coronavirus, while extending a lockdown in the capital Monrovia.【The Guardian】
