300字范文 > 【英文歌曲】鼓点很好听的《Hell》 忍不住单曲循环

【英文歌曲】鼓点很好听的《Hell》 忍不住单曲循环

时间:2020-06-29 23:22:16


【英文歌曲】鼓点很好听的《Hell》 忍不住单曲循环


And when the flames come up

当火焰铺天盖地袭来的时候I see the fire in your eyes我能看到你眼中熊熊火光And when the flames come up当火焰铺天盖地袭来的时候I can hear alone wolf cry我能听到一头孤狼哀嚎I wanna pick you up我想要带着你And start to run逃离Away from here这里Before they find me and my smoking gun在他们找到我存在的证据之前It ***** me up不幸的是The damage done灾难已经降临I"m tired of this我已经心生厌倦I fought a war that can"t be won去打一场无法获胜的战争Maybe you are stronger than I was也许你比我更加坚强But trust me cause I know但是请相信我The woods get what they want我知道他们的弱点,他们想得到什么And when the rain comes down当大雨倾盆而下的时候I"ll watch it wash you to the bone我会看到他们在你面前倒下无法喘息Baby can you see me now宝贝你现在可以看着我真挚的双眼吗With my eyes clear, I"m sober我现在很清醒I remember when you went away我还记得你何时离去And back you came但你回来时Like a ******* hurricane却像飓风一般,威力无比You saw a ghost你能直击Inside of me我内心深处的魔鬼It haunted you他们总是阴魂不散You couldn"t see the forest for the trees但你却看不到表面呈现的东西Maybe you are stronger than I was也许你比我更加坚强But trust me cause I know但是请相信我The woods get what they want我知道他们的弱点,他们想得到什么The wolves will chase you down狼群会追捕你Then"ll bring you to your knees它们会给你带来痛苦直到你屈服And run you ragged to the ground折磨到你筋疲力尽Just like that did to me就像对待我那样I"ve had blood on my hands我的双手沾满了鲜血I stepped over the body of a good man跨过那个善良男人的尸体I wanted to change我想要改变这一切So I walked away所以我转身离去It was giving me hell它给了我地狱般的痛苦So I gave it the same我也会让它生不如死I"ve had blood on my hands我的双手沾满了鲜血Stepped over the body of a good man跨过那个善良男人的尸体I wanted to change我想要改变Cause I wasn"t the same因为我不想得到同样的结局It took me to hell它把我扔进地狱So I gave it away所以我也要把它毁掉I"ve had blood on my hands我的双手沾满了鲜血Stepped over the body of a good man跨过那个善良男人的尸体I wanted to change我想要改变这一切So I walked away所以我转身离去It was giving me hell它给了我地狱般的痛苦So I gave it the same我也会让它生不如死Maybe you are stronger than I was也许你比我更加坚强But trust me cause I know但是请相信我The woods get what they want我知道他们的弱点,他们想得到什么Heaven only knows只有上帝才知道Where the stories gonna stop这故事何时才到尽头I can"t believe my eyes我难以置信The woods got what they want他们竟轻易得逞Can"t you feel it in the air right now现在你能感受到空气中死亡的气息吗The love and loss爱恨得失The hate in the rain都在大雨中淋漓尽现Don"t I know best我难道不够了解你吗Better the devil that you know你本善良Than the devil that you don"t却被魔鬼控制Baby blue I understand宝贝我明白你的痛楚I"ve been here too我也会在这里一直守候你Oh my God天意如此The prarie of a good man心胸开阔的人




