300字范文 > 欧美版“历史上的今天”:Robert Scott 罗伯特斯科特(英国探险家)

欧美版“历史上的今天”:Robert Scott 罗伯特斯科特(英国探险家)

时间:2018-10-22 18:48:08


欧美版“历史上的今天”:Robert Scott 罗伯特斯科特(英国探险家)



内容提要:探险家Robert Scott 想要成为到达南极第一人,但历经千险,他和他的团队到达之后却发现...



ROBERT SCOTT (1868-1912)

On January 18, 1912, Captain Robert Scott, an English explorer, reached the South Pole. Captain Scott was hoping to become the first person to set foot on the frozen land.

Captain Scott knew that he and his men were not the only group trying to reach the South Pole. A Norwegian explorer by the name of Roald Amundsen was also trying to be the first person to reach the South Pole.

Captain Scott and his crew of men began their journey in November 1911. Scott used ponies instead of dogs to pull their sleds. The ponies became tired and were no longer useful. Without the ponies, he and his men had to carry their own supplies and pull their own sleds.

On January 18, 1912, the captain and his men approached the South Pole. As they got closer, they saw something in the distance. Could it be that Roald Amundsen had reached the South Pole first? Finally, Scott and his group reached a small tent. Inside the tent, they found a letter. The letter was written by the Norwegian explorer. Captain Scott was a month late. Roald Amundsen had reached the South Pole 34 days before. Disappointed, Scott and his men turned around and headed home.

The sad part of this story is that Scott and his men did not make it home. Blizzards and storms were too much for him and his men. They died from hunger and cold trying to get back from the frozen and lonely continent of Antarctica. In honor of the first two men to reach the South Pole, the United States named their scientific base at the South Pole the Amundsen- Scott Station.





