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时间:2023-02-20 12:54:53




托福阅读文章分析 阅读文章难度和出处

一. 托福文章选材范围



二. 托福文章出处和文章分析





The first birds appeared during late Jurassic times. These birds are knownfrom four very good skeletons, two incomplete skeletons, and an isolatedfeather, all from the Solnhofen limestone of Bavaria, Germany. This fine-grainedrock, which is extensively quarried for lithographic stone, was evidentlydeposited in a shallow coral lagoon of a tropical sea, and flying vertebratesoccasionally fell into the water and were buried by the fine limy mud, to bepreserved with remarkable detail. In this way, the late Jurassic bird skeletons,which have been named Archaeopteryx, were fossilized. And not only were thebones preserved in these skeletons, but also were imprints of the feathers. Ifthe indications of feathers had not been preserved in association withArchaeopteryx, it is likely that these fossils would have been classified amongthe dinosaurs, for they show numerous theropod characteristics. Archaeopteryxwere animals about the size of a crow, with an archeosaurian type of skull, along neck, a compact body balanced on a pair of strong hind limbs, and a longtail. The forelimbs were enlarged and obviously functioned as wings.

Modern birds, who are the descendants of these early birds, are highlyorganized animals, with a constant body temperature and a very high rate ofmetabolism. In addition, they are remarkable for having evolved extraordinarilycomplex behavior patterns such as those of nesting and song, and the habit amongmany species of making long migrations from one continent to another and backeach year.

Most birds also have very strong legs, which allow them to run or walk onthe ground as well as to fly in the air. Indeed, some of the waterbirds, such asducks and geese, have the distinction of being able to move around proficientlyin the water, on land, and in the air, a range in natural locomotor ability thathas never been attained by any other vertebrate.

1. According to the author, all of the following evidence relating to thefirst birds was found EXCEPT

(A) nesting materials

(B) four skeletons in good condition

(C) two fragmented skeletons

(D) a single feather

2. The word preserved in line 8 is closest in meaning to

(A) confused with others

(B) gradually weakened

(C) protected from destruction

(D) lost permanently

3. It can be inferred from the passage that the Archaeopteryx wereclassified as birds on the basis


(A) imprints of bones

(B) imprints of feathers

(C) the neck structure

(D) skeletons

4. The word they in line 10 refers to

(A) indications

(B) fossils

(C) dinosaurs

(D) characteristics

5. Why does the author mention a crow in line 11?

(A) to indicate the size of Archaeopteryx

(B) To specify the age of the Archaeopteryx fossils

(C) To explain the evolutionary history of Archaeopteryx

(D) To demonstrate the superiority of the theropod to Archaeopteryx

6. It can be inferred from the passage that theropods were

(A) dinosaurs

(B) birds

(C) Archaeopteryx

(D) crows

7. The word constant in line 16 is closest in meaning to

(A) comfortable

(B) combined

(C) consistent

(D) complementary

8. The author mentions all of the following as examples of complex behaviorpatterns evolved by

birds EXCEPT

(A) migrating

(B) nesting

(C) singing

(D) running

9. The word attained in line 23 is closest in meaning to

(A) required

(B) achieved

(C) observed

(D) merited



No two comets ever look identical, but they have basic features in common,one of the most obvious of which is a coma. A coma looks like a misty, patch oflight with one or more tails often streaming from it in the direction away fromthe sun.

At the heart of a comet's coma lies a nucleus of solid material, typicallyno more than 10 kilometers across. The visible coma is a huge cloud of gas anddust that has escaped from the nucleus, which then surrounds like an extendedatmosphere. The coma can extend as far as a million kilometers outward from thenucleus. Around the coma there is often an even larger invisible envelope ofhydrogen gas.

The most graphic proof that the grand spectacle of a comet develops from arelatively small and inconspicuous chunk of ice and dust was the close-up imageobtained in 1986 by the European Giotto probe of the nucleus of Halley's Comet.It turned out to be a bit like a very dark asteroid, measuring 16 by 8kilometers. Ices have evaporated from its outer layers to leave a crust ofnearly black dust all over the surface. Bright jets of gas from evaporating iceburst out on the side facing the Sun, where the surface gets heated up, carryingdust with them. This is how the coma and the tails are created.

Comets grow tails only when they get warm enough for ice and dust to boiloff. As a comet's orbit brings it closer to the sun, first the coma grows, thentwo distinct tails usually form. One, the less common kind, containselectrically charged (i.e., ionized) atoms of gas, which are blown off directlyin the direction away from the Sun by the magnetic field of the solar wind. Theother tail is made of neutral dust particles, which get gently pushed back bythe pressure of the sunlight itself. Unlike the ion tail, which is straight, thedust tail becomes curved as the particles follow their own orbits around theSun.

1. The passage focuses on comets primarily in terms of their

(A) orbital patterns

(B) coma and tails

(C) brightness

(D) size

2. The word identical in line 1 is closest in meaning to

(A) equally fast

(B) exactly alike

(C) near each other

(D) invisible

3. The word heart in line 4 is closest in meaning to

(A) center

(B) edge

(C) tail

(D) beginning

4. Why does the author mention the Giotto probe in paragraph 3?

(A) It had a relatively small and inconspicuous nucleus.

(B) It was very similar to an asteroid.

(C) It was covered with an unusual black dust.

(D) It provided visual evidence of the makeup of a comet's nucleus.

5. It can be inferred from the passage that the nucleus of a comet is madeup of

(A) dust and gas

(B) ice and dust

(C) hydrogen gas

(D) electrically charged atoms

6. The word graphic in line 9 is closest in meaning to

(A) mathematical

(B) popular

(C) unusual

(D) vivid

7. Which of the following occurred as the ices from Halley's Cometevaporated?

(A) Black dust was left on the comet's surface.

(B) The nucleus of the comet expanded.

(C) The tail of the comet straightened out.

(D) Jets of gas caused the comet to increase its speed.

8. All of the following statements about the tails of comets are trueEXCEPT:

(A) They can contain electrically charged or neutral particles.

(B) They can be formed only when there is sufficient heat.

(C) They are formed before the coma expands.

(D) They always point in the direction away from the Sun.

9. The word distinct in line 17 is closest in meaning to

(A) visible

(B) gaseous

(C) separate

(D) new

10. Compared to the tail of electrically charged atoms, the tail of neutraldust particles is


(A) long

(B) curved

(C) unpredictable

(D) bright

