300字范文 > 我与书_300字_英语作文


时间:2020-01-14 13:40:25




In fact, I don"t have a high demand for a good book. As long as it has good words, good sentences and moving fragments, I will buy it without hesitation.


One day, I was in a bad mood and ran to the room to worry. Suddenly, I saw my newly bought composition book. It seemed to say to me, "master, if you have any trouble, let me help you share it!" "Thank you. I"m fine. I just don"t know what to write about this week." "That"s easy. Turn me over and have a look." "Yes, I should see what I can write." Later, after some reading, I chose the topic of one of my compositions as the theme of my weekly notes. "Thank you, little book." "You are welcome. This is what I should do." Sure enough, I was praised by my teacher this week. I thought to myself: this time, I can only get the praise from my teacher with the help of a small book.


In fact, books are our good friends. It can help you write and accumulate good words and sentences, which is really a very good thing, so we should make friends with books and use it anytime and anywhere to improve our writing ability.
