300字范文 > 【资讯】英国皇家海军将在水下勘测工作中使用自主水下机器人系统


时间:2022-05-22 06:40:48






作为英国卓越的海洋科学中心,国家海洋学中心的核心职责是为大型海洋科学项目提供国家层面的支持和保障,这些工作与皇家海军和DSTL也息息相关。该中心国家海洋设施局副局长利·斯多里(Leigh Storey)表示:“国家海洋学中心与英国皇家海军以及DSTL紧密合作,从海洋学数据的科学解释到无人系统的联合开发,从海岸到深海,仍然有许多紧密合作的机会。”



British Royal Navy shows its commitment to using autonomous and robot systems for underwater survey work


According to information published by the British Navy on August 13, , the Royal British Navy has shown its commitment to using autonomous and robot systems for underwater survey work. It comes as the navy, Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) and the National Oceanography Centre have renewed and expanded their Memorandum of Understanding for the underwater environment.The agreement will see the organizations continue to collaborate in trials and testing of marine autonomous systems and sensors to collect >

The first iteration of the memorandum, signed in , focused on the joint development and trials of unmanned underwater vehicles. But as the Royal Navy looks to become more innovative with agile working and new methods of operating, it’s continued relationship with the world-class academic and research of the National Oceanography Centre will now look more to the North Atlantic.

The agreement will encompass a wider scope for potential collaborative projects and information sharing.

Potential projects coming up include further testing of gliders and autonomous surface and underwater vehicles as well as the development of robotics systems and their possible military use.

As the UK’s center of excellence for oceanographic sciences, the core remit of the National Oceanography Centre is to provide national capability and leadership for big ocean science, making its work relevant for both the Royal Navy and DSTL.

The center’s Associate Director for National Marine Facilities, Leigh Storey, said: “There continue to be multiple opportunities for the National Oceanography Centre to work closely with the Royal Navy and DSTL from scientific interpretation of oceanographic data to joint development of autonomous systems, from the coast to the deep ocean.

DSTL’s role in the partnership is to help shape the Royal Navy’s direction of travel in terms of future capability, through their own research, but also through enabling a greater level of engagement with other researchers and academics in the field.

消息来源:Navy Recognition



审定 李炎秋

排版 刁海倩



