300字范文 > 考研英语作文 Speaking of the Devil(大众演讲经验谈)_3000字_英语作文

考研英语作文 Speaking of the Devil(大众演讲经验谈)_3000字_英语作文

时间:2020-09-30 20:47:02


考研英语作文 Speaking of the Devil(大众演讲经验谈)_3000字_英语作文

Speaking of the DevilWhy do smart, articulate, and self-confident people often become terrified in front of a group? How could death rank just seventh in a national survey of the top ten experiences Americans dread most,and public speaking first? Think about it: We’d rather kick the bucket than address an audience!It starts in elementary school when a teacher singles us out to "speak up" Remember the panic of producing the wrong answer? Our palms sweated, we might have been short of breath, and filled with trembling knees, nausea, a stomachache, and a rapid heartbeat. We felt awkward and dumb.As adults, we’ re still afraid we’ II make fools of ourselves. We worry that listeners will think we are lightweights.And we should worry.Public speaking isn’t just a sweet skill to have. Being a first-rate orator can lead to job promotions and personal advancement, while being a lousy one is a disadvantage.One way to feel more comfortable on the stage is by checking out the room in advance, observing the set-up, and testing any equipment you’ II be using.Some speaking specialists suggest opening with a provocative question, or a recent news event that relates to your topic. Other coaches think adding a little tasteful humor can liven up the talk if the subject is suitable.As important as the words is the delivery. A study of audience reaction to speeches revealed that listeners remember just 7 percent of what is said, 38% of how it is said,and 55% of the speaker’s body language.And speaking of anxiety, some people like to get up in front of a group, but most don’t. As Mark Twain once said."There are two kinds of speakers: those that are nervous and those that are liars."大众演讲经验谈为什么聪明绝顶、伶牙俐齿、充满自信的人会在群体面前发言时显得忐忑不安呢?为什么死亡在美国人最害怕的十件事的全国调查中名列第七而公众演讲却名列榜首呢?想想看:我们宁愿一死也不愿在人前发言!在小学时,老师把我们挑出来“发言”,此时这种恐惧就产生了。还记得答错问题所产生的恐慌吗?我们的手掌会出汗,我们可能还会气喘吁吁、两膝发软、恶心、肚子痛、心跳加快。我们感到尴尬和木讷。长大后,我们仍担心出丑。我们担心听众会认为我们思想浅薄,我们当然会有这种担心。公众演讲不仅仅是一种招人喜欢的技能。一个出色的演说者能获得升迁和个人更好的发展,而嘴笨却成了你的一个不利条件。
