300字范文 > 去舅舅家拜年英语日记带翻译


时间:2021-07-17 14:16:12




正月初三我们去舅舅家里拜年,舅舅家在布吉,不过爸爸开车很快就到了,爸爸说这是他开车最快的一次,因为路上没有什么车子。到了舅舅家的第一件事就是向舅舅舅妈问新年好,然后接下来的事我不说你也知道了:就是发红包了。不过呢,红包我和姐姐都交给妈妈了,妈妈说会帮我存到我的.卡上,可是我一直都 不知道卡上的钱什么时候能拿出来用呢? 吃完午饭不多久,我们就从舅舅家回去了,舅舅家的哥哥到图书馆去学习了,哇,真用功呀!妈妈说哥哥要考大学了。

On the third day of the first month, we went to my uncle"s house for new year"s Eve. My uncle"s house is in Buji, but my father soon arrived by car. My father said that this was the fastest time he drove, because there was no car on the road. The first thing I do when I get to my uncle"s house is to ask my uncle"s mother a happy New Year"s day. Then I don"t say you know the next thing: it"s red envelopes. However, my sister and I gave the red envelope to my mother. My mother said that she would save it to my card, but I never knew when the money on the card would be used? Not long after lunch, we went back from my uncle"s house. My brother went to the library to study. Wow, how hard he worked! Mom said my brother was going to College.
