300字范文 > 出国旅游的英语作文


时间:2018-10-25 06:04:54














After visiting the shores of the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lake last week, we took a cruise to Mackinac Island this Saturday.

Mackinac Island is located in northern Michigan, the United States, is a famous summer resort for summer vacation. This island is forbidden by motor vehicles. All tourists and local people can only use walking, bicycle or horse-drawn carriages.

Looking out from the cruise ship, the lake is clear, the lake is sparkling, and the blue light is glowing, just like the seaside scene.

As soon as the cruise ship arrives on the shore, it is the main street when walking out of the pier, which is the busiest part of Mackinac Island. There are many shops on both sides, and flower baskets hanging under the street lights in front of the house are colorful and delightful.

The most distinctive thing on the island is the carriage that runs across the road from time to time. Suddenly, my dad got a good idea, why dont we go in a carriage? My father and I smiled at each other. So we got on the carriage. The carriage looked simple and gorgeous. Two fat and strong horses, a young and beautiful female driver, and excited tourists made up a unique scenery on Mackinac Island.

The groom explained the scenery on both sides of the road: tourists with their own carriages can see buildings of different styles, tourists riding bicycles around the island, golf courses, churches, hotels, forests, etc. We sat in the carriage and took pictures one by one on the phone.

The time slipped away without knowing it, and the carriage for more than an hour soon swam the entire island. After getting off the carriage, we saw a souvenir shop, butterflies and carriages. Mom said that there are souvenirs in every attraction, you can choose one you like as a memorial. I chose the right and left, and finally picked a horse, holding it in my hand, I was very happy.

As the sun went down, we sat on the round-trip cruise ship island with a happy mood.



虽然人生有许多第一次,但是这一个第一次,在我人生中留下美好回忆。我想着出国是一个要离开家乡的旅游,心中就有些不安和紧张,但是又想着可以出国玩,又有些开心。当我到达目的地时,我发现并非恐怖,只是没尝试过而已,我发现比我想像中的还要好玩一百倍,有云霄飞车、巧克力博物馆,我顿时把恐惧抛到九霄云外,开心的玩。这是让我觉得最有意义的回忆,虽然这只有一次的机会,但却在我人生中有了第一道光彩。原来惧怕出国的我又多了一个第一次。我也在这回忆里把 美丽的彩虹放在里面,让这回忆永不消失......


I was on the plane with excitement and nervousness at the time, and thought I would bounce like a high altitude, but the result was not what I thought.

Although there are many first time in life, this first time has left good memories in my life. I think that going abroad is a trip to leave my hometown, I feel a little uneasy and nervous, but I also think that I can go abroad to play, and I am a little happy. When I arrived at my destination, I found it was not horrible, but I had n’t tried it. I found it to be a hundred times more fun than I imagined. There were roller coasters and chocolate museums. I suddenly threw my fears out of the sky . This is the most meaningful memory for me. Although this is only one chance, it has the first glory in my life. I was afraid of going abroad for the first time. I also put a beautiful rainbow in this memory, so that this memory will never disappear ...

Because this is the freshest first memory, I also look forward to creating a more happy memory after a long time.














In just 8 days, I have left many footprints in Japan. Mt. Fuji, Disneyland, Asahioka High School, etc. have all given me good memories; these days in Japan, it has also given me a little bit of The same feeling.

(1) First experience in Japan

Just got off the plane, the oncoming was quiet, at a glance can see many people, but could not hear any sound. When I first arrived, I was embarrassed, and talking to my classmates became a whisper. Suddenly, I saw a blue cloud in front of me, and there were white clouds after cloud. I havent seen such a blue sky in China for a long time. The heart seemed to open a window and greeted this beautiful island country-Japan.

(2) Trip to Xuqiu Middle School

In the midday sun, we proceeded to Xuqiu Middle School. Every students face was full of smiles, and he occasionally took out the presents he had prepared in advance. I sat quietly in the last row of the car, and took out the manuscript that was just written the day before when the student representative spoke. I was silent in my heart, and the feeling of tension and excitement was intertwined. As strong as this time. After getting off the bus, you cant see the walled campus like a Chinese school, you cant see a big sign to write the school name, you cant see the big oval playground. When I looked back, it happened that a teacher was standing by the window and waved at us vigorously; when I looked up, the corridor was full of classmates, and they gave us countless smiles and "hello". Listening to foreigners say "hello", although a little lame, but their words are full of enthusiasm and friendship.

When I came to the exchange room, the Japanese classmates were already in place. They held the national flags of China and Japan and enthusiastically said "Hello". My nose was a little sour. Why is the friendship between China and Japan only in the hearts of children What about keeping it pure? Soon it was the student ’s representative. While I was speaking, I found that my tension could not be covered, my hands were shaking slightly, and my mouth was a little bit unobtrusive. But think about it now, this is also a good exercise!

The most interesting thing is to have class with Japanese classmates. A few steps away from the classroom entrance, the students in the classroom kept saying "Hello-Hello-". During the class, the teacher spared no time to let us introduce ourselves. In particular, before the class, the students sang a soothing song under the leadership of the teacher. Although they did not understand it, but the melody was beautiful, how could you not be intoxicated? Im in a science classroom. This lesson is exactly what we have already taught-the refraction of light. Japanese students are seriously following the teacher and doing experiments.

After class, we came to the gymnasium and had a rope skipping competition with the second graders. At first I looked at the big thick rope, afraid to jump. After much practice, I jumped more freely, and the girl who dropped the rope seemed relieved for me. I am very happy that through our efforts, we won the third place in 6 groups!

(3) Differences in life

In these 8 days, taking a car takes a long time, but every time I get off, the impression is not that three or four hours have passed, but more than ten minutes. I have been wondering why I used this feeling. After returning to China, I finally found the answer. It turns out that the seat of the Japanese station wagon has a backward tilt, and the Chinese seat is indeed almost vertical (especially the last row is most obvious) . More importantly, the road in Japan is very flat, without speed bumps and uneven potholes; in China, even the highway will make people feel like they are doing torrents. The road is flat, it is easy to fall asleep in the car, plus the comfortable back of the chair, time slips away without knowing ...

(4) Ending

Although Japan is a small island country with a total area similar to that of Sichuan Province in China, they have the spirit of "I am everyone, everyone is not necessarily me", they do not value returns, they just want to treat everyone with enthusiasm . Chinas economy is strong, it has a lot of manpower, and its living standards have improved. Should the spirit of the people also improve? !
