300字范文 > 征用补偿制度 system for land expropriation and requisition英语短句 例句大全

征用补偿制度 system for land expropriation and requisition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-31 03:46:33


征用补偿制度 system for land expropriation and requisition英语短句 例句大全

征用补偿制度,system for land expropriation and requisition

1)system for land expropriation and requisition征用补偿制度


1.On Implementation and Perfection of Compensation System for Administrative Expropriation试论行政征用补偿制度的实施与完善

2.The Comparison and Reference of the Foreign Compensation Systems for Land Expropriation;国外土地征用补偿制度的比较及借鉴

3.On the Deficiency and Perfection of the System of Compensation on Expropriated Land;我国土地征用补偿制度的缺失与完善

4.The Deficiency and Improvement of the Land Expropriation and Compensation System in China;我国土地征用补偿制度的不足及完善

5.Land expropriation and compensating system in the procession of urbanization;城市化进程趋向与土地的征用补偿制度

pensation System of Soil Acquisition and Social Security of Peasants;我国土地征用补偿制度与农民的社会保障

7.Research on the Land Expropriation Compensation Mechanisms under the Process of Urbanization我国城市化进程中土地征用补偿制度研究

8.On Improvement of Land Requisition Compensation System Based on Different Land Production Functions;基于土地生产功能差异的征用补偿制度完善的思考

9.On the Right of Land Development Farm Land Expropriation and Compensation System;土地发展权、农地征用及征地补偿制度

10.Rebuilding the Legal System of Compensation and Arrangement for Requisitioned land;重构农村土地征用补偿安置法律制度

11.New Viewpoints Existing Questions of Our Farmland Conscription System and practice and Conscription Compensation Strategy;农地征用制度与实践:问题及征用补偿方略

12.On institutional economic for fishery subsidy on marine usage;海域征用中渔业补偿的制度经济学探讨

13.Study on Agricultural Land Expropriation and Compensation System"s Conformation and Reform in China我国农用地征收补偿制度形成及改革研究

14.Economic Analysis of Land Requisition and Compensation System on Chinese Rural中国农村土地征用与补偿制度的经济学分析

15.The Study on Expropriation Compensation and Relocation the Farmer of Loss Land in Chinese Land Assembly System Problem;我国土地征用制度中征地补偿及失地农民安置问题研究

16.On the Defects and Perfection of Our Country s Land Requisition Compensation System;论我国征地补偿制度的弊端及其完善

17.The Study of Land Collection and Compensation System in China;我国土地征收补偿制度若干问题研究

18.Researching on the Long-term Compensation System of Land-collection and Land-purchasing;征、购集体土地长期补偿制度的研究


System for land requisition and compensation土地征用补偿制度

3)land expropriation compensation system征地补偿制度

pared withland expropriation compensation system in developed countries,China\"s currentland expropriation compensation system has its flaws on small compensation coverage,low standards and single payment way.与主要发达国家征地补偿制度相比,我国现行征地补偿制度的缺陷在于补偿范围小,标准低,补偿方式单一。

4)requisition compensation征用补偿

1.Landrequisition compensation is a focal problem relevant to land management,and also a keystone of land requisition system innovation.土地征用补偿问题是我国土地管理和社会关注的焦点问题之一,也是土地征用制度改革的重点所在。


1.Since it is the basic life source of most farmers, the reasonablecompensation must be given to them once the land is taken over.但我国现行的土地征用补偿标准却存在着不合理性。

6)Land Expropriation Compensation and Relocation Institution征地补偿安置制度

1.The Study on ChineseLand Expropriation Compensation and Relocation Institution during the Urbanization Process;城市化进程中我国现行征地补偿安置制度研究


