300字范文 > 权 weight英语短句 例句大全

权 weight英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-06 18:31:47


权 weight英语短句 例句大全



1.Theweighted Landaus type inequality based on the orthogonal function;基于正交函数的加权Landaus型不等式

2.The application ofweighted markovchain model of time sequenceerror to the prediction of grain yield state;时序误差权马尔可夫链在粮食丰欠状况预测中的应用


1.strain one"s authority,rights,power,etc滥用权威、权利、权力等

2.exclusive voice【律】否认权, 否决权

3.vicarious authority [power]代理职权 [权力]

4.To deprive of legal rights, powers, or privileges.剥夺权利剥夺法定权利、权力或特权

5.Beneficial Right: Personal Right? Real Right? Or New Right?;信托受益权:物权?债权?抑或新权利?

6.The Essence and Transferring of Rights of Exploring and Exploiting Mineral Resources;探矿权、采矿权的权利性质与权利流转

7.Ownership of Claims,Domination in Rem and Real Right Analysis债权之所有权、对物支配权与物权辨析

8.Authorization granted by authority; conferred power.(授予的)权威,权力特权授予的权力;授予的权力

9.Relationship Among Right of Real Claim,Right of Obligatory Claim and Obligatory Right;物权请求权、债权请求权与债权关系的解析

10.internet infringement mainly refers to infringement of personal rights,including portrait right ,reputation right ,privacy right and intellectual property right.网络侵权主要指侵犯人身权,包括肖像权、名誉权、隐私权及知识产权。

11.To deprive of a privilege, an immunity, or a right of citizenship, especially the right to vote; disenfranchise.剥夺权利剥夺…的特权、豁免权或公民权,尤指选举权;剥夺…的权利

12.intangible property rights such as patents, industrial designs, trademarks, copyrights, and literary property;无形资产权,诸如专利权、企业策划权、商标权、版权及知识产权等;

13.attaching creditor行使扣押权的债权人

14.hereditary right世袭的权利,继承权

15.Centre for Human Rights人权事务中心(人权中心)

16.INRs(Initial Negotiating Rights)最初谈判权(初谈权)

17.Yes, of course.Your have the right of reinspection.当然有权。你方有权复查。

18.Yes, of course. You have the right of reinspection .当然有权。 你方有权复查。



1.The relation between measuring steps and power has been found out by regression analysis.本文运用封闭法测量原理研究在不同跨距下,自准直仪、合象水平仪的测量方法误差,通过回归分析法求出跨距与权之关系,为不等精度测量提供依

2.The paper discuses the methods of judging the quality of topographic map composed of various factors power integrative on the frame of quality tree.探讨了以质量树为框架 ,综合评判确定各因素权重的地形图质量综合评判方法。

3.In the given network, find the edge of the maximal power and determine whether there is another access which connects the two vertices of the edge , if there is, delete the edge, or remain it.提出一种关于最小生成树的生成法 ,此方法是在一个给定的网络中 ,首先找到一条权最大的边 ,判断此边的 2个结点在不经过此边的情况下是否有另路相通 ,若相通则删除此边 。


1.Therights of the first and secondary influence factors are reasonably determined.运用模糊数学理论 ,建立了高等级公路路线方案二级模糊综合评选的数学模型 ,合理确定路线方案各影响因素及其子因素的权重 ,克服了传统方法的缺点 ,为路线方案的评选提供科学的方法。


1.A modified k-meansclustering algorithm based onweights is put forward,it changes the shortcomings of k-means.该文讨论了经典的k-平均聚类算法,说明了它存在不能很好地处理符号数据和对噪声与孤立点数据敏感等不足,提出了一种基于加权改进的k-平均聚类算法,克服了k-平均聚类算法的缺点,并从理论上分析了该算法的复杂度。

2.The first chapter introduces some concepts, such as spaces of homogeneous type,weights, maximal functions, singular integrals, commutators.本文利用经典覆盖引理和Calderon-Zygmund分解引理建立了齐型空间上一个加权重排不等式,并把它应用到奇异积分高阶交换子的加权估计。

5)A ∞ weightA∞权

6)A WeightA.权


