300字范文 > 考试科目 test subjects英语短句 例句大全

考试科目 test subjects英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-14 03:43:48


考试科目 test subjects英语短句 例句大全

考试科目,test subjects

1)test subjects考试科目

1.Design and realization for test system that supports construction oftest subjects;支持自主创建考试科目的考试系统设计与实现


1.The Extensiveness of Keju Study in View of Examination Subject and Contents从考试科目与内容看“科举学”的广博性

2.The opinion to the subject《The Financial Management》 of self-learning examination.;对自学考试科目《财务管理学》的看法

3.In February, there is a new test subject called Explaining-expounding Capacity Examination in National Examination for selecting civil servants.0 2年2月,国家公务员录用考试新增了申论这一考试科目。

4.The administrative organ or trade organization shall announce the signing conditions, measures, subjects and the general outline for the qualification examination.行政机关或者行业组织应当事先公布资格考试的报名条件、报考办法、考试科目以及考试大纲。

5.Article Nine MOP organizes experts to approve of the exam subjects, exam outline, and exam paper.第九条人事部组织专家审定考试科目、试大纲和试题。

6.Discussions about the Subject Reform of the Candidates for the Entrance Examination of Master s Degree in China;我国硕士研究生入学考试科目改革刍议

7.Explore Present Setting Program of Postgraduate Entrance Examination Subjects Arrangement for Educational Technology Major教育技术学硕士研究生入学考试科目方案探析

8.The CIRC shall announce the conditions, measures, subjects and program of the tests in advance.中国保监会应当事先公布资格考试的条件、办法、考试科目以及考试大纲。

9.The Application of the Normal Binovular Model of Item Reaction Theory to the Evalution of Examinations in Courses利用项目反应理论的正态双卵模型评估考试科目

10.Subject Officer [Hong Kong Examinations Authority]科目主任〔香港考试局〕

11.subject committee [Hong Kong Examinations Authority]科目委员会〔香港考试局〕

12.take CSE in 6 subjects中学文凭考试中报考6门科目.

13.Explanation of Civil Servant Recruitment Examination--Statement measurement facts, contents and approaches;国家公务员录用考试浅析——谈申论科目的考试内容和测评技术

14.How to Get Ready For Exam of Construction Data;“专升本”考试中《数据结构》科目考点与应考策略分析

15.A trainee must take exam in each topic he work on.受训人员所学的每一科目都必须参加考试。

16.The Reform Enrolling Exam Project and the Application of scientific Achievewents in PE;体育专业招生考试项目改革与科技成果应用

17.Next to those are posters that list the state"s standardized test questions for the history exam.在这些招贴画旁边还贴着该州标准考试历史科目的题目。

18.Shallowly discuss the university student how to reference a course of the Visual Basic of the nation computer grade test (second level);浅谈大学生如何备考全国计算机等级考试(二级)——Visual Basic科目


Specific subjects examinations指定科目考试

3)skill test items术科考试项目

4)comprehensive subject testing综合科目考试

1.It also demonstrates the difference between thecomprehensive subject testing and synthetical ability testing , which are trying out in the present reform of the National Examination of the Entrance to the University.本文结合 19982 0 0 0年综合能力测试题 ,选择典型例题作了简明分析 ,阐述了在目前我国的高考改革中所试行的“综合科目考试”与“综合能力测试”的区

5)Subjects of Entrance Examination入学考试科目

6)examination subject and contents科举考试科目与内容


