300字范文 > 力竭性训练 exhaustive training英语短句 例句大全

力竭性训练 exhaustive training英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-16 18:39:40


力竭性训练 exhaustive training英语短句 例句大全

力竭性训练,exhaustive training

1)exhaustive training力竭性训练

1.To Study the effects of long-termexhaustive training on the death of rats hippocampus nerve cell,rats make eight weeks exhaustive swimming training.目的:研究长期力竭性训练对大鼠海马神经元凋亡的影响及其基因调控机制;方法:对大鼠进行为期8周的力竭性游泳训练,用DNA原位末端标记法检测海马神经元的凋亡,并用免疫组化的方法观察海马神经元中bcl-2、bax的免疫反应活性;结果:1)长期力竭性训练后,大鼠海马神经元凋亡显著增加。

2.Objective: This study is to investigate the intervention mechanism of Huoxue Buqi herbal medicine(leech,ginseng,etc) on rat brain cell apoptosis after long-termexhaustive training.目的:研究活血补气药(水蛭、人参等)对长期力竭性训练后大鼠细胞凋亡的干预作用机制。


1.The Effects of Chronic Exhaustive Training on Apoptosis of Muscles Rats;慢性力竭性训练对大鼠骨骼肌细胞凋亡的影响

2.Effects of Long-term Exhaustive Training on the Death of Rats Hippocampus Nerve Cell;长期力竭性训练对大鼠海马神经元凋亡的影响

3.The Effect of Lycopene on the Exhausting Exercising Ability of Training Rats;番茄红素对训练小鼠力竭性运动能力的影响

4.The Effect of Exhaustive Swimming Training on the Establishment of a Model for Overtraining in Rats;力竭性游泳训练对建立过度训练动物模型的作用

5.The effects of once exhausting swimming training on red blood cell osmotic fragility in mice;力竭游泳训练对小鼠红细胞渗透脆性的影响

6.The Effect of Exhaustive Exercise Training on Serum Cholylglycine Content in Rats;力竭性运动训练对大鼠血清甘胆酸含量的影响

7.The Effect of Exhaustive Chasing Training and Detraining on Swimming Performance in Juvenile Darkbarbel Catfish (Peltebagrus Vachelli Richardson)力竭性追赶训练和停训对瓦氏黄颡鱼幼鱼游泳能力的影响

8.Effects of Stamina Training Exercise on the Contents of ET、CGRP、NO and the Activity of NOS in the Hippocampus of Rats;耐力训练对力竭大鼠海马中ET、CGRP、NO含量及NOS活性的影响

9.Effects of Polygonatum sibiricum Red on activities of serum enzymes and some biochemical indices in exhausted rats during endurance training;黄精对力竭训练大鼠血清酶活性及某些生化指标的影响

10.The Effects of Exhaustive Exercises on the Rats Secretion of TNF-α and IL-1β after Different Loads Training;力竭性运动对不同负荷训练的大鼠TNF-α、IL-1β分泌的影响

11.Changes in NT-proBNP after physical training in elderly patients with chronic heart failure运动训练对老年慢性心力衰竭患者血清NT-proBNP浓度的影响

12.running, working, training, etc flat out全速奔跑、 竭尽全力地工作、 全力以赴地训练.

13.Effects of Zinc on Antioxidant System after Endurance Training and Exhaustive Exercise in Rats;锌对耐力训练、力竭运动大鼠抗氧化系统的影响

14.Effects of XueFuZhuYu Decoction on Hemorheology and Sports Capability after Exhaustive Swimming in Untrained Rats;血府逐瘀汤对无训练适应大鼠血液流变学及力竭性游泳后运动能力的影响

15.Effect of Rubia Cordifolia L to Activities of Serum and some Biochemistry Index on Trained-indurance and Exhausting Rats;茜草对耐力训练后一次力竭大鼠血清酶活性和某些生化指标的影响

16.Effects of Xuefuzhuyu Decoction on Hemorheology and Exhaustive Swimming Capacity in Chronic Fix Quantify Workload Training Rats;血府逐瘀汤对训练适应大鼠血液流变学及力竭性游泳运动能力的影响

17.Effects of Alpha-lipoic Acid on Glutathione Antioxidant System after Exhaustive Exercise on Endurance Training Mice;α-硫辛酸对耐力训练小鼠力竭运动后谷胱甘肽抗氧化系统的影响

18.Influence of Medicine-Separated Moxibustion on Erthrocyte Rtheology in Endurance-trained Mice after Exhaustive Exercise;隔药灸对耐力训练大鼠一次力竭运动后血流变的影响


exhaustive training力竭训练

1.Effects of acutelyexhaustive training on content of glycogen and activity of SGOT and SGPT in blood in mice;一次力竭训练对小鼠糖原含量及血液转氨酶活性的影响

3)exhausting swimming training力竭游泳训练

1.The effects of onceexhausting swimming training on red blood cell osmotic fragility in mice;力竭游泳训练对小鼠红细胞渗透脆性的影响

4)exhaustive exercise training力竭运动训练

5)general resistance training一般耐力性训练

1.Continuous obseration during three years and research on 441 junior high school students had been carried out 223 students did extra twenty minutegeneral resistance training four times per week.通过对 44 1名初中学生三年追踪研究发现 :在每周原来体育锻炼的基础上 ,增加 4次 2 0min以上的一般耐力性训练 ,能够促进该时期青少年身体正常高速生长与各组织器官的同步发育 ,同时学习成绩也得到提高。

6)endurance continued training耐力性持续训练

1.Forced swimming was applied in order to compare and study the effects of anaerobic interval training andendurance continued training on myocardial ultrastructures in rats.为比较研究无氧性间歇训练与耐力性持续训练对心肌超微结构的影响,采用强迫游泳的方式,两组大鼠分别经过6 周高强度间歇性或持续性游泳训练后,取心肌组织在电镜下观察其超微结构改变。


