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音响 acoustics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-15 09:18:52


音响 acoustics英语短句 例句大全



1.On the Imagery Aesthetic of Cao Yu’s Drama Acoustics;论曹禺戏剧音响的意象美

2.Analysis of television teaching materials dissemination and application in theacoustics language;音响语言的传播功能及其在电视教材中的应用探析

3.Bringing theacoustics in the news broadcast into full play is regarded as an important means to winning over the audience between broadcast and other mediae.努力发挥广播新闻中音响的作用是广播与其他媒体争夺受众的一个重要手段。


1.The acoustics of ultrasonic sound.超音频声音的音响学

2.dubbing of effects为加强音响效果的配音

3.four-channel auditorium control四通道音乐厅音响控制

4.a sound suggestive of a vocal utterance.类似或暗示嗓音的音响。

5.·Interactive voice response.·交互式话音响应。

6.emphasis the results from pitch rather than loudness.突出音高而不是音响的重音。

7.Music Reduced to its Single Tone-On the Creative Space of Musical Sound;音乐的还原——论音乐音响的创作空间

8.The assemBled acoustics are Beyond compare.组合音响,不同凡响。

9.a turns on the stereo, the room is filled with soft music.a打开了音响,屋里响起柔和的音乐。

10.The books are on the stereo. (On the stereo.书在立体声音响上。(在立体声音响上。)

11.To amplify(music)by electronic means.以电气扩大音响以电子手段为(音乐)扩音

12.Switch on the radio or hifi and turn it up to a comfortable volume.打开收音机或音响,将音量调到适当的大小。

13.Language,Sound and Music--Creation of Modern Electronic AudioFrequency of Movie and Television语言、音响、音乐——观现代影视电子音频创作艺术

14.The broadcasting, reception, or reproduction of sound.音响声音的传播、接收及重放

15.He does not know how to turn up the volume on the hi-fi set.他不知道如何使音响的音量增大。

16.Don"t blare the stereo.别让立体音响发出刺耳的声音

17.The amplitude or loudness of a sound.音量声音的响度或强度

18.The Influence of Japanese Long Tone,Dial Tone and Promote Tone on Intonation日语长音、拨音、促音对声调的影响



1.The application of mware in meetingsound engineering design;Mware在会议音响工程设计中的应用

2.Allocation ofsound in multimedia classroom;多媒体教室音响的配置方案

3.The fact that “poem lies in thesound”is the important artistic feature of Book of Songs.《诗经》音响的形态有自然之声、生活之声、音乐之声;其音响意象由于“比兴”手法而具有怀人、相会、求偶、礼贤、出嫁、归宁等话语蕴藉。


1.The research ofaudio system for locomotive simulator;机车仿真器音响系统研究

2.Theaudio theft-proof modes on BENZ series are expounded here with the explanation to four kinds ofaudio decoding method.阐述奔驰车系的音响防盗形式,并分类对现行4类形式的奔驰轿车的音响解码方法进行讲解。


1.Thesonority of music works is achieved by instrumental playing.音乐作品的音响存在是通过乐器演奏实现的。


1.With the improvement of life quality,people\"s requisition forstereo is higher and higher,people are pursueing the diversification of the voice result constantly.随着生活质量的提高,人们对音响的要求也越来越高,人们不断追求声音效果的多样化,各种音频产品具有多种编码格式,传统模拟电路已经不能对数字编码的音频介质进行处理。

6)sound system音响

1.Harms to the audiences caused by over loudsound system in a theatre were pointed out.阐述剧场演出音响声音过大对观众身心造成的伤害,分析其原因,并提出解决建议。


音响1.声音。 2.指诗文的声韵效果。 3.犹消息,踪迹。
