300字范文 > 运动训练学 sports training英语短句 例句大全

运动训练学 sports training英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-01 20:19:33


运动训练学 sports training英语短句 例句大全

运动训练学,sports training

1)sports training运动训练学

1.New Thoughts about the Curriculum Reform of "Sports Training" Teaching基于“运动训练学”教学的课程改革新思路

2.According to large numbers of references and materials,the text reviews China and foreignsports training theory system development,lists the existed and creative research,and analyzes the developing orientation ofsports training theory system in the future.通过查阅大量的文献资料,回顾中外运动训练学理论体系发展的历程,梳理已有的研究成果及创新的研究成果,并展望运动训练学理论体系发展的趋向。

3.To realizes the movement training scientific style and enhances athlete s result to play the vital role,this essay probes into the problem bysports training.文章从运动训练学角度对此问题进行了探讨。


1.An Analysis on Weider s Training Principle of Bodybuilding from the Theory of Sport Training;从运动训练学视角探析韦德健美训练原则

2.The characteristics of the special training of competitive sports and its exercise training analysis;竞技体育专项训练特征及其运动训练学分析

3.Review on Development of Sports Coaching from the Evolution of Training Cycle Theory从周期训练理论演化看运动训练学的发展

4.On web learning of Sports Training course《运动训练学》网络学习研究与实践

5.A prospect thinking from complicated angle of view on the research of sports training theories--the chang of thinking about sports training theories复杂视角中的运动训练理论——运动训练学研究思维方式的转变

petitive ability is the kernel concept of training theory.竞技能力是运动训练学的核心概念。

7.Development Trend of Sports Training Theory System;运动训练学理论体系发展趋势及展望

8.Scientific Training and Sports Equipment科学训练和运动器材。

9.Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology运动与训练心理学杂志

10.Attribution Training and the Application of Exercise Training in Secondary Schools;归因训练及其在中学运动训练中的运用

11.The Research on the Training Method of Athletic Mentality for Middle School Athletes;中学生运动员运动心理训练方法探究

12.On the application of sports physioloyy in physical education and training;运动生理学在体育教学训练中的运用

13.A Self-Organizing Training Method --The Application of the Principles of the Synergetics to the Training System;自组织训练法——协同学理论在运动训练中的应用

14.Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.运动训练医学和科学》刊载运动医学和训练科学的研究论文。

15.Discussion of the Application of the Sports Idea Training in the WuShu Teaching;谈运动表象训练在武术教学中的运用

16.tactical training of sports运动战术训练 运动战术训练

17.Teaching reformation of sports training major in middle sports school;中等体育运动学校运动训练专业的教学改革

18.The Relationship Between General Training and Special Training in the Athletic Training and its Application;运动训练中一般训练与专项训练的关系及运用


science of sports training运动训练学

1.Contemplation of issues about understanding the theory of the science of competitive sport and the theory of thescience of sports training;关于竞技体育学与运动训练学理论认识问题的思考

2.Study of the theoretical paradigm of thescience of sports training in China in the stage of systematic development;中国运动训练学系统化发展阶段理论范式的研究

3)sports training theory运动训练学

1.Subject selection of dissertation insports training theory major for postgraduates in Beijing Sport Uinversity;对北京体育大学运动训练学专业研究生学位论文选题的研究

2.Exploration on some issues of specialty construction and development of thesports training theory;运动训练学学科建设与发展若干问题的探讨

4)sport training运动训练学

1.The authors reviews the establishment,research current situation and features ofsport training in china,especially focuses on the es-tablishment of″Chinese school″of thesport training theory.在广泛查阅文献和思辨的基础上,回顾与总结了中国运动训练学的体系形成、研究现状与特点,重点讨论了运动训练学理论研究中业已形成的“中国流”。

5)Chinese sports training中国运动训练学

6)sports training psychology运动训练心理学


