300字范文 > 不同类型 Different types英语短句 例句大全

不同类型 Different types英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-20 21:50:28


不同类型 Different types英语短句 例句大全

不同类型,Different types

1)Different types不同类型

1.On the difficulties of agri-industrialization in the rural areas of different types;我国不同类型地区农业产业化发展难点研究

2.Through investigation and analysis,it is found that different types of policemen training not only embody common features in arrangement of courses,but also distinct ones.通过调查统计分析发现,不同类型培训在课程设置上既具有共性,又具有个性差异。

3.As years go-by, different types of flower exhibition came into China, phenomena of simplification and unclear characteristic in plant landscape has been emerged.(2)我国目前不同类型的花卉展览种类繁多,总的来说具有展示内容丰富、植物品种繁多、配置形式多样、地域特色鲜明的特点,通过对传统造园手法的继承和与文化景观的结合,合理组织植物与建筑、山石、水体之间的关系,巧妙运用借景、障景等园林艺术手法,同时结合现代声光电等科学技术,从而创造出地域、文化与植物、环境相融合的园林空间。


1.We have different kinds of books,我们有不同类型的书,

2.Different types of scenarios不同类型的场景剧本

3.a different breed of man(与其他人)不同类型的人

4.There are a number of different types of machine and these are arranged in sections.许多不同类型的机器各按类分片排列。

5.Co-expression of Antimicrobial Proteins in Tobacco Improves It s Disease Resistance;不同类型抗菌肽的协同抗菌作用研究

6.Research on the Structures, Types of Sex-roles and the Self-esteems of Different Type s People;性别角色的结构、类型和不同类型者的自尊

7.The system varies with the type of project.对不同类型的项目征税不一样。

8.Relationship between Plasma Homocysteine and Stroke Subtypes同型半胱氨酸与不同类型卒中的相关性研究

9.Initially the dispersion type does not matter.刚开始,不同类型的色散并无影响。

10.This allows the Stalker to avoid certain types of obstacles.这使得它能够绕过不同类型的障碍物。

11.How many different products do we make?我们有多少种不同类型的产品呢?

12.The selected map will be modified to accept different types.选定映射将被修改以接受不同类型。

13.Analysis and Comparison on Different Kinds Traversal Pattern不同类型游历模式之间的分析与比较

14.there are about two different groups of service jobs.大约有两种不同类型的服务性职业。

15.There are some different types of claims.索赔有几种不同的类型。

16.A symbol with a different type and same name allready exists已存在类型不同但名称相同的符号

17.One bitmap in a sequence was not the same type as the others序列中某个位图的类型与其他位图类型不同

18.⑵Cluster analysis apt divided into 3 types. Three types of individual characters and illness factor χ 2 showed that the aptness of catching ill differed in individual types.⑵聚类分析将被试者分为三类,不同个性类型易患病性不同;


different type不同类型

1.Accumulating development of chlorophyll indifferent types sugar beet;甜菜不同类型材料叶绿素积累动态

3)different types of regions不同类型区

1.In this paper,the author analyzes the prese nt situation of resources indifferent types of regions of Heilongjiang Province,a nd puts forward ways and countermeasures of sustainable development of green agr iculturalresources.通过对黑龙江省不同类型区域资源现状的调查分析,提出黑龙江省绿色农业可持续发展的途径和措施。

4)different types of sludges不同类型污泥

5)doctor-patient talk不同类型的医院

6)Different kinds of rats不同类型大鼠


精液内细胞个别不同类型细胞检查精液内细胞个别不同类型细胞检查诊法。射精液的个别细胞形态的分类测定,是精液分析要取得的参数之一。 取已用瑞氏染色法或吉姆染色法染好的精液涂片,在光镜下计数100个头部卵圆,中段形子 、尾子蜷曲的正常精子,同时在一个视野内,计数欲测的不成熟精子或其他形态的细胞。按 下列公式计算:C=〓〓N×S〓〓100〓〓(式中:C——欲测得的细胞;N—— 在计数 100个精子时同一视野下的细胞数;S——1ml精液中的精子数)。
