300字范文 > 杂草控制 Weed control英语短句 例句大全

杂草控制 Weed control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-08 11:28:35


杂草控制 Weed control英语短句 例句大全

杂草控制,Weed control

1)Weed control杂草控制

1.The research on precision weed control;精确杂草控制技术的研究现状

2.Most of farmers thought the weed control in high stubble environment was the key relevant technique.农户小麦收割时由于使用不同的联合收割机服务形成了不同的麦茬高度,多数农民认为高麦茬环境下杂草控制是免耕推广的关键配套技术。


1.Weed control and timing of treatment to avoid weed penalty.杂草控制及适时处理,以防止其蔓延危害作物。

2.Effects of Different Herbicides on Yield and Weed Control in Rapeseed Fields不同除草剂对冬油菜田间杂草控制和产量的影响

3.Study on Weed Control in Establishing Alfalfa Fields Seeded in Autumn in South Jiangsu Hilly Area;苏南丘陵区秋播紫花苜蓿苗期杂草控制技术研究

4."Essential tasks include soil maintenance, water regulation, control of weeds, and protection of plants from pests and diseases."园艺的基本工作有土壤保持、杂草控制,以及保护植物不要染上病虫害等。

5.2) conducting biological control of exotic weeds;(2 )开展外来杂草的生物控制 ;

6.A strong, nonpersistent, yellow, crystalline herbicide, C12H12Br2N2, used to control water weeds.杀草快一种强力非持久性、黄色、晶状除草剂C12H12Br2N2,用于控制水生杂草

7.Study on Chemical Control of Weed in Establishing Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa L.) Fields Seeded in Autumn in South Jiangsu Hilly Area苏南丘陵区秋播苜蓿苗期杂草化学控制试验

8.Classical biological control of exotic weeds利用传统生物防治控制外来杂草的入侵

9.Weeds are controlled with precision tillage and the old fashioned hoe.靠精细的耕耘和老式的锄头来控制杂草。

10.Chemical Control Technology of Weeds in Pear Orchard and Integrated Effect on Pear Trees;梨园杂草化学控制技术及其综合效应研究

11.Research on the Spray Control System Aiming at Weed Based on Machine Vision;基于机器视觉的杂草对准喷药控制系统研究

12.Study on Weed Community Complex and It s Control with Herbicide Mixture in Jiangsu Province;江苏省农田杂草综合体及其复配除草剂筛选控制的研究

13.The Study on Emergence Regulation and Control of Weeds in Cool-season Lawn;川西平原区冷季型草坪杂草发生规律与控制技术的研究

14.Weed species and their chemical control in Paspalum vaginatum cv. "Salam" at the Kingswan Countryside Club金沙湾乡村俱乐部海滨雀稗草坪杂草及化学控制技术研究

15."For the most part, you just plant seedlings, keep the weeds and grass in check, and wait. "主要的工作是种上树苗,然后注意控制杂草。仅此而已。

16.Preventive control includes all measures taken to prevent the introduction and spread of weeds.预防性控制包括所有阻止杂草侵入和蔓延的措施。

17.Irrigation has been used where needed and modern chemical to control weeds.需水的地方有了灌溉设施,并且采用了现代化学药剂以控制杂草。

18.The Effect of Paclobutrazol Controlling Weed on Soil in Orchard and Apple Development;多效唑控制杂草对果园土壤及苹果生长结果的影响


weed ecological control杂草生态控制

3)cultural method of controlling weeds控制杂草栽培法

4)BWCC British Weed Control Council英国杂草控制委员会

5)weed suppression杂草抑制

6)Tobacco control烟草控制

1.Smoking Attributable Mortality Analysis and Tobacco Control Strategy Evaluation Research;吸烟归因死亡分析与烟草控制政策评价研究

2.With morn concern on life and health,quite a few new principles of international law,regulations and systems have been established and some branches of international law concerning the tobacco control have emerged but they may face some conflicts because of their different systems.随着人们对生命和健康的关注,许多新的与烟草控制相关的国际法原则、规范和制度在国际关系和国际实践中被确立,影响到烟草行业的各个方面。

3.WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control provides a consensus by the Parties to the implementation of the framework for tobacco control measures.本文从烟草危害入手,以烟草消费对健康和经济社会所造成的严重后果引出烟草控制这一命题。


反馈控制(见控制系统)反馈控制(见控制系统)feedback control于。。伙。]伙ongZ片}反馈控制(几edbaekcontrol)见拉制系统。
