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疯女人 mad woman英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-14 07:51:36


疯女人 mad woman英语短句 例句大全

疯女人,mad woman

1)mad woman疯女人

1.Yellow wallpaper,mad woman, the predicament and rebellion of the women writers;黄色壁纸·疯女人·女性作家的困境与反叛

2.Chinese interpretation from 1986 to 1994 was characterized by the sudden prominence of feminist criticism and the focused interest in the propriety of themad woman plot and its subsequent plots where feminist criticism found itself in fierce combat with the traditional realism criticism.1986-1994年间,《简·爱》在中国阐释的突出特点是以女性主义批评独领风骚,在阐释疯女人及小说后部某些情节的合理性,女性主义与现实主义两种批评视角激烈交锋。

3.Bertha Mason who was imprisoned in the attic of Thornfield in Jane Eyre is not amad woman.《简·爱》中的桑菲尔德阁楼上被囚禁的伯莎·梅森并非是个"疯女人",她在小说中的每一次出现、每一次行动都是智者的所为。


1.to meet some woman who could be a crazy, sick lunatic.见那个变态的疯女人。

2.Removing the Gossamer of the Mad Woman-the Meaning of the Mad Woman s Image in the Novel Jane Eyre;揭开疯女人的面纱——论《简·爱》中疯女人形象的意义

3.The Code of the Wordless Woman:The Analysis of the Mad Woman in Jane Eyre;失语女人的密码——论《简爱》中的疯女人

4.On Charlotte Bronte"s Eco-feminism from the Images of "Madwoman" and Fire“疯女人”·火·自然——从“疯女人”和“火”意象看夏洛特·勃朗特的生态女性主义

5.Discussion on the Images of "Mad Women" in Zhang Jie s Novels;疯癫:异化的宣泄——论张洁小说中的“疯女人”形象

6.The Female Image in Split: Jane Eyre and the Mad Woman;分裂中的女性形象:简·爱与疯女人

7.Let the mad woman alone. She"s hurting nobody.别去管这疯女人,她不伤人。

8.They did not want to affront this mad woman.她们不愿意跟这个疯女人拌嘴。

9.The crazy woman flounced in, and scared us stiff那个疯女人冲进来,把我们吓呆了。

10.She made after him like a mad woman.她象个疯女人似的追赶他。

11.The delirious woman was arrested for baring all.那个疯女人因为"暴露癖"而被捕了。

12.A Mad Woman in the Attic of Thornfield?桑菲尔德阁楼上的是一个“疯女人”吗?

13.The Mad Woman in Jane Eyre:Another Image of Avenger;《简爱》中的疯女人——另类的复仇者形象

14.Discussion on the Images of "Mad Women" in Tie Ning s Rose Gate;试论铁凝《玫瑰门》中的“疯女人”形象

15.Meaning of the Mad Woman s Image in The Yellow Wallpaper;试论《黄色糊墙纸》中“疯女人”的形象意蕴

16."The Mad Woman in the Tower":Typical Tragedy of Modern Literature“塔里的疯女人”:现代文学中的悲剧典型

17.Anxiety of Authorship Embodied by the Madwoman in Jane Eyre从《简·爱》中的疯女人看作者身份的焦虑

18.The Mad Woman in The (Dream of) Red Mansion: On Concubine Chao from a Feminist Point of View;《红楼》里的疯女人——女性主义视域中的赵姨娘



1.Themadwoman in the attic in Jane Eyre is deprived of the right of discourse.在《简·爱》中这位阁楼上的疯女人一直没有话语权,所有对她的了解都是通过他人的叙述得到的。

2.Under the impetus of the feminist movement and criticism, the image ofmadwoman in Jane Eyre has come to arouse some interest and attention from people, but not seemingly enough.在女权主义运动和批评的推动下,《简·爱》中的疯女人形象逐渐为人们所关注,但尚未得到应有的重视。

3)mad women疯女人

1.American feminist writer Charlotte Perkins Gilman has,in her short story The Yellow Wallpaper,made a significant breakthrough in former female writers narrative tradition aboutmad women.吉尔曼在其短篇小说《黄色糊墙纸》中,对以往女作家关于疯女人的叙事传统有了很大的突破。

2.The three feministic works written at the turn of the century:"The Morning Bells Tolling in the Dusk","Feathered Snake" and "Wordless",portray threemad women,Liu Tianyuan,Yu and Wu Wei,who employ madness as their narrative strategy in revealing their state of being diagnosed as the ma.在世纪之交的三部女性主义文本《晨钟响彻黄昏》、《羽蛇》和《无字》中,刘天园、羽和吴为三个疯女人各自以疯癫的方式言说着女人被诊断为疯人,被沉默为他者的癫狂之旅。


1.Antoinette and Moon Orchid aremadwomen narrated respectively in Jean Rhys s Wide Sargasso Sea and Maxine Hong Kingston s The Woman Warrior.疯女人这一女性形象受到女性主义者的普遍青睐。

5)the mad woman疯女人伯莎

1.The character ofthe mad woman is frequently regarded as Jan s set-off,even is regarded as a symbol of the aristocrat society .而疯女人伯莎是一个进行复仇的大胆的抗争女子;同时伯莎是男权社会中另一个被压抑的简爱,是简爱的内心世界或者说是她性格的另一个侧面。

6)The woman had gone mad.那女人疯了。


