300字范文 > 演进 evolution英语短句 例句大全

演进 evolution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-18 07:25:10


演进 evolution英语短句 例句大全



1.Constructing the Legal Institutions of Planning to Conform to the Spirit of Time——Analyzing the Evolution of Urban and Rural Planning Legislation of China;构建符合时代精神的规划法制——简析我国城乡规划立法的演进

2.Tracing to the Thought Source of Urban Planning Theory s Evolution;城市规划理论演进的思想溯源

3.Inter-firm organizationevolution and motive mechanism;中间组织演进与动力机制


1.The Evolve Law and Mode of China s Tourism Industrial Structure;旅游业部门结构演进规律及演进模式

2.Development of Western Religious Vocal Music Genres and Sing Style;西方宗教声乐体裁及演唱风格的演进

3.An experimental performance of a play before its official opening.试演在戏剧正式开演之前所进行的试演

4.For example, actors nominate actors.比如,男演员进行男演员的提名工作;

5.The soloist gave a brilliant performance.独奏演员进行了卓越的表演

6.An entertainer who does impressions.进行印象主义表演的演员

7.at first, one dancer goes onto the field and dances.开始时,一名表演者先进场表演,

8.rehearse with a full cast, orchestra, etc与全体演出人员、 管弦乐队等进行预演

9.A group of players who perform as an ensemble.乐队做为集体进行演出的一组表演者

10.The acrobats performed on the open platform.杂技演员在露天舞台上进行的表演。

11.perform without preparation.没有准备的进行演出。

12.The performance dragged.演出缓慢沉闷地进行着。

13.gave a stunning performance.进行了非常精彩的表演

14.He segued into another discourse.他继续进行下一轮演讲。

15.Setting down boats (rafts) to carry out lifesaving rehearsal;放艇(筏)进行救生演习;

16.The new ballet that debuts next months at Covent Garden, is already sold out.她初次登场进行演出。

17.The band blared out a march.乐队大声演奏进行曲。

18.The band played several marches.乐队演奏了几首进行曲。



1.Review on the Historical Evolvement of Medicine Model;对医学模式历史演进的若干思考

2.Study of social spaceevolvement in urban fringes of megalopolis;城市边缘区社会空间演进的研究

3.The Evolvement and Stages of Pastoral Poetry of the Song Dynasty;宋代田园诗的演进与分期


1.Expression and Development of Design Thoughts——Comment on Sketch, Plan, Build: World Class Architects Show How It s Done;设计思维的表达与演进——评介《草图·方案·建筑:世界优秀建筑师展示如何进行设计》

2.Thedevelopment and innovation of enterprise finance management concept;我国企业财务管理观念的演进与创新


1.Analysis of theRevolution and Trend of the Industrial Structure in a New Era;新形势下产业结构演进趋势分析

2.although it is well recognized by researchers and entrepreneurs that related diversification is good to enhance corporate, the meaning and enforcing route of the related diversification strategy is in revolution.本文对相关多元化战略的内涵演变进行梳理,分析了基于产品或市场相关的多元化、基于战略资产共享的多元化、基于动态能力相关的多元化的重点与差别,进而给出相关多元化战略内涵逻辑演进的过程。


1.Technology revolution and theadvancement of human resource management mode;科技革命与人力资源管理模式的演进

2.Thisadvancement is, in fact, an evolution of management theme.管理主题的演进过程,集中体现了科技革命的成果,也揭示了企业管理模式演变创新的内在本质。

6)stepwise evolution递进演化

1.The author inversed thestepwise evolution of Zhongtiao rift by analyzing Precambrain sedimentary formation,magma formation and tectonic form of the Zhongtiaoshan-Wangwushan region and discussed the perfect mineralization conditions of the Wangwushan region formed in the evolution of the Zhongtiao rift and regional crust.对中条—王屋山地区前寒武纪沉积建造、岩浆建造、构造形态的分析后,反演出中条裂谷的递进演化过程,认为王屋山地区在中条裂谷和区域地壳的演化过程中形成了极为有利的成矿条件:①形成多层含矿建造;②通达地幔的深大断裂提供了丰富的矿源和成矿空间;③频繁的岩浆活动补充了矿质并提供了成矿热能;④剥离断层系统进一步提供了扩容空间;⑤以活化转移为主要机制的强烈变形变质作用对已形成的含矿建造(矿源层)进行改造。


