300字范文 > 地名 Place name英语短句 例句大全

地名 Place name英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-14 06:21:16


地名 Place name英语短句 例句大全

地名,Place name

1)Place name地名

1.Problems in Chinese alphabit writing of periodical names, author names and place names in sci-tech periodicals;科技期刊中刊名人名地名汉语拼音存在问题分析

2.Historic change of place names and their social cause——Taking the place names of Fuling as an example;地名词汇的历时变化及其社会动因——以涪陵地名为例


1.generic element(地名学)通名部分

2.The fifth is a ban on naming places after persons.五曰不以人名作地名。

3.International Committee of Onomastic Sciences国际人名地名学委员会

4.The moon is used to name places and people.月亮用来命名地名和人名 ,


6.The study of such place names.地名学对这些地名的研究

7.United Nations Group of Experts on the Standardization of Geographical Names联合国地名标准化专家组(地名专家组)

8.The Ancient Toponymy in Er-ya and the Chinese Toponymy Linguistics;《尔雅》地名训诂与中国地名语言学

9.The Protection of Historical Place Names in the Management of Beijing北京地名管理工作中的历史地名保护

10.Translating English Proper Names into Chinese:Three Approaches in Chinese Mainland,Hong Kong and Taiwan两岸三地外国人名地名翻译异同对比

11.Geological Survey"s Geographic Names Information System地质调查地名信息系统

12.An error in naming a person or place.叫错名称在叫某人名字或某一地名时犯的错误

13.( Note: the spelling of the actual place name is different from the canon name.(:实际地名的拼写与官方名称不同。

14.All persons and places mentioned in this book are indexed.凡本书提及的人名、地名均编入索引。

15.Name and / or Address of Organization姓名和/或单位名称、地址

16.the name and address of each mortgagor;每名抵押人的姓名地址;

17.Hostname or IP Address主机名或ip 地址

18.addressing machine and address-plate embossing machine姓名地址印写机及姓名地址版压印机


place names地名

1.A Probe into the Phenomena of "Meaning Overflow" of Chinese Transliteration in Person Names and Place Names;汉语人名地名音译词的“义溢出”现象探析

2.To View Taiwan Immigrants Hometown Complex From Its Place Names;从地名看台湾移民的故土情结

3.Denominative patterns and cultural connotation ofplace names of Yi language in Liangshan;凉山彝语地名命名方式及文化内涵


1.On the Planning of UrbanPlacename——Take Zhongshan Ctiy for Example;试论城市地名规划——以中山市为例

2.Dialect Words inPlacename of Wenzhou and Standardization Problem;温州地名中的方言词及其规范问题

3.Gazetteer service is a user-oriented GIS service,which supports searching spatial information by placenames.地名辞典服务是一个面向大众的、以地名搜索空间信息的GIS服务。


1.Differences and Similarities of Cultural Mentality - A Survey of Contrastive Studies on Chinese & English Toponymic Idioms;从地名成语看汉英民族心理

2.An analysis on the naming type of places of Yangquan dialect and on the cultural information embodied in thetoponym will be of benefit to the construction and study of the local culture.地名是先人通过口碑记录下来的活档案,是研究一个地区的社会历史文化的“活化石”。

5)Geographic name地名

1.A research on legal order of commercial exploitation of geographic name resources;地名资源商业化开发的法律秩序研究

2.It is to briefly analyze the cultural connotation which contains in the geographic name "linyi" from the aspects of linguistics, social cultural cast of mind, historical culture and terrain landform.地名是一种特殊的文化,它既是一个民族文化的历史见证,又真实地反映了当地人民的社会文化心态、民风民俗、宗教信仰等特征。

6)geographical name地名

1.The method of utilize remote sensing image graphic to updategeographical name data base;利用遥感影像图进行地名更新

2.As one of the most usual social public information ,geographical names is not only related daily life of people ,but also is the indispensable basic information resource of national management、 economy construction and contacts of both local and abroad.地名作为最常用的社会公共信息之一,不仅与人们的日常生活息息相关,而且是国家行政管理、经济建设、国内外交往不可或缺的基础信息资源。

3.Toponymy is a newly developed branch of science which systematically studies the etymology and meaning ofgeographical names.地名学是对地名的词源、意义等进行系统分析的一门新兴科学。


