300字范文 > 税收负担 Tax Burden英语短句 例句大全

税收负担 Tax Burden英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-29 22:35:43


税收负担 Tax Burden英语短句 例句大全

税收负担,Tax Burden

1)Tax Burden税收负担

1.An Empirical Analysis of Distribution ofTax Burden in China;中国税收负担分布的实证分析

2.Analysis on the current situation on the tax burden of the small-scale taxpayer;对小规模纳税人税收负担现状的实证分析

3.The paper indicates the source of enterprise tax burden, and analyzes the following problems, such as unbalanced burden of taxation, tax institutional discrimination and disordered policy objectives, etc.揭示了企业税收负担来源,讨论了税收负担不均衡、税收制度性歧视以及政策目标混乱等问题。


1.The present condition of taxation shoulder and the choice of taxation policy in our country;我国税收负担现状与税收政策的选择

2.The Empirical Study on Micro Tax Burden--The Application of Peer Tax Burden微观税收负担的实证研究——同业税负模型的应用

3.The Research on the Tax Burden and Tax Policy of Power Industry in China中国电力行业税收负担及税收政策研究

4.Rational Choice and Optimal Approach of Macro Tax Burden Level in China;我国宏观税收负担水平的选择和优化

5.The Tax Burden and Economy Increasing of China after Entering WTO;加入WTO后的中国税收负担与经济增长

6.Evidence Study on China s Macro-taxation Burden;我国宏观税收负担:实证分析与思考

7.An equilibrium analysis between the regional tax burden and economic development;地区税收负担与经济发展的均衡分析

8.Being one of the categories of taxes that bears a special regulation function, consumption tax has become a heave burben.消费税做为一个承担了特殊调节功能的税种,其税收负担较重。

9.A Comparative Study of Banking Tax-Burden and Its Tax System Construction;银行业税收负担比较分析及其税制构建

10.Analysis on the current situation on the tax burden of the small-scale taxpayer;对小规模纳税人税收负担现状的实证分析

11.On the Unity of the Coordination of Tax Categories and the Reasonable Distribution of Micro-tax Burden;税种协调与微观税收负担合理分配的统一论

12.The Research on Tax Burden from the Perspective of Our Country "s Tax System Reform我国税制改革视角下的税收负担问题研究

13.Tax Burden and Non-standard Interest Revenue of China s Banking Industry;中国银行业税收负担与非规范利息收入

14.The Study on Taxation Burden and Orientation of Tax-burden Policy;我国税收负担的实证研究以及税负政策取向的探讨

15.Catch the opportunity and carry on the tax system reform, make the tax revenue of the taxpayer tend to be rational.抓住时机进行税制改革,使纳税人税收负担趋于合理。

16.The Relation and Policy Choice about Tax Competition,Tax Burden and Economical Development;税收竞争、税收负担与经济发展的关系及政策选择

17.Both transaction cost and tax burden affect on the performance of commercial banks.交易成本和税收负担对银行绩效都有重大影响。

18.Positive Research on the Tax Burden and Economic Growth in Hunan Province;湖南省税收负担与经济增长的实证研究


Taxation burden税收负担

1.The article points out that the taxation burden is one of the key factors that influences china s economic development which is obstructed by the unjust taxation burden.本文在分析税收负担基本概念与基本理论的基础上,针对我国当前税收负担的现状,指出税收负担不合理是制约我国经济发展的一个重要因素。

2.Taxation burden is a most acuity and sensitive problem concerning to the national economy and the people s livelihood.税收负担直接涉及国计民生最尖锐、最敏感的问题。


4)tax burden rate税收负担率

1.The issue oftax burden rate and its movement has long been the subject of academic debate.有关我国实际税收负担率的高低及其走向问题,一直是学术界争论不休的话题。

5)macro tax burden宏观税收负担

1.The lowmacro tax burden influences the economic stability and development of Heilongjiang Province,it also hampers the full play of government function.宏观税收负担反映一个国家或一个地区税收负担整体状况 ,也反映该国或该地区财政实力。

2.Guangdong smacro tax burden is too high or not? There are two views.针对广东的宏观税收负担到底有没有过高问题,目前社会上有两种观点。

6)adjustment of tax burden税收负担调整


