300字范文 > 杭州西湖风景区 Scenic area of West Lake in Hangzhou英语短句 例句大全

杭州西湖风景区 Scenic area of West Lake in Hangzhou英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-25 14:51:37


杭州西湖风景区 Scenic area of West Lake in Hangzhou英语短句 例句大全

杭州西湖风景区,Scenic area of West Lake in Hangzhou

1)Scenic area of West Lake in Hangzhou杭州西湖风景区


1.Study on alien weeds of the West-lake scenic spot in Hangzhou杭州西湖风景区外来杂草的调查研究

2.Valuing ecological services of green space of West Lake scenic area in Hangzhou杭州西湖风景区绿地生态服务功能价值评估

3.Landscape Design of Tunnel Portal--A Case in Wulaofeng Tunnel of West Lake Scenic Area in Hangzhou隧道洞口景观设计——以杭州西湖风景区五老峰隧道为例

4.Evaluation of Aero-anion Concentration in Urban Greenbelt--A Case at the Scenic Area of West Lake in Hangzhou城市绿地空气负离子浓度评价研究——以杭州西湖风景区为例

5.The Longjing tea tea-growing region distributes in "the spring,summer, fall, and winter prosperity, the sleet clear cloudyrespectively reveals wonderfully" " the Hangzhou Xihu scenic spot, theclear waters and green hills, the scenery is all pleasant.龙井茶区分布于“春夏秋冬皆好景,雨雪晴阴各显奇”’的杭州西湖风景区,山青水秀,景色宜人。

6.Research on the Forest Plants Landscaping in the Scenic Area of the West Lake, Hangzhou City杭州西湖风景名胜区山林植物景观研究

7.Discussion on the Concessionary Management of Scenic District;风景名胜区特许经营问题探讨——以杭州市西湖风景名胜区为例

8.Hangzhou"s fame lies mainly in its picturesque West Lake杭州的名气主要在于风景如画的西湖。

9.Preliminary research of the interpretation identification system in the scenic spot of West Lake;杭州西湖景区解说标识系统初步研究

10.Monetized Ecological Benefit Evaluation of the West-marching of the West Lake in Hangzhou杭州西湖湖西景区绿地货币化生态效益评价

11.The Study of the Development of the West Lake Scenic Area (1949--);杭州西湖风景名胜区的历史沿革与发展研究(1949-)

12.Of the many interesting sights in Hangzhou, there is besides West Lake the spectacular tide at the mouth of Qiantang River.杭州的风景名胜,除西湖外,还有钱塘江潮。

13.Research of Teahouse s Distribution and Its Space in Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area;杭州西湖景区茶馆的分布及其空间形态的研究

14.Analysis of Economic Value about the Integrating Engineering of the Scenic South Line of the West Lake in Hangzhou;杭州西湖南线景区整合工程的经济价值分析

15.The analysis of the tour benefit of the landscaping area on South side of West Lake,Hangzhou;杭州西湖南线景区的旅游经济效益分析

16.Plant Diversity and Its Conservation in Constructed Wetland of Maojiabu Scenic Area in West Lake of Hangzhou杭州西湖茅家埠景区植物物种多样性及其保护

17.An Analysis of Preserving the Historical Style of Streets By Using the Landscape Characteristic Element:A Case Study of the Region along the West Lake in Hangzhou and the Region in Xitang of Jiaxing;景观特征要素在保持街区历史风貌中的运用——以杭州环湖地区、嘉兴西塘地区为例

18.There are 119 key scenic spots designated by the state in China, and the Lijiang River in Guilin and the West Lake in Hangzhou are the most well-known among them.中国国家重点风景名胜区共有119处,其中著名的有桂林漓江和杭州的西湖。


The National Park of West Lake杭州西湖风景名胜区

3)West-marching of the west lake in Hangzhou杭州西湖湖西景区

4)West Lake杭州西湖

1.Uncertainty Analysis of Eutrophication Model inWest Lake, Hangzhou;杭州西湖富营养化模型的不确定性分析

2.A Study on the Copepoda community inWest Lake, Hangzhou after dredging;疏浚后杭州西湖的桡足类

3.Research of Eutrophication Classification inWest Lake, Hangzhou Using Hopfield Neural Network;Hopfield网络应用于杭州西湖富营养化分类的研究

5)West Lake in Hangzhou杭州西湖

1.Effects of comprehensive protection project to the ecological environment ofWest Lake in Hangzhou;综合保护工程对杭州西湖生态环境的影响

2.The Open Space and Civic Leisure Life——On the Public Attribute ofWest Lake in Hangzhou;开放空间与市民休闲生活——谈杭州西湖的公众属性

3.Research on Ecosystem Health Evaluation ofWest Lake in Hangzhou;杭州西湖生态系统健康评价研究

6)the West Lake杭州西湖

1.Quantity of chlorophyll a and water quality inthe West Lake, Hangzhou;杭州西湖水体中叶绿素a含量与水质的关系

2.Focuses the researches on a eutrophication model after drainage of waste water and drawing water from the Qiantang River tothe West Lake,the state variables in the model are phosphorus in algae cells,orthophosphate,phosphorus in detritus and phosphorus in sediment.报道了杭州西湖截污和引灌钱塘江水后的一个富营养化模型。


杭州杭州Hangzhou杭州峰、玉皇山、凤凰山等山势较低,海拔200米左右,多洞穴。西湖的孤山、葛岭、夕照山、吴山、宝石山等,海拔100米左右,为城区制高点。北、东、南三面为平原,海拔在10米以下。水网密织。西湖在城区西南,被呈马蹄形分布的群山环抱,南北长3.3千米,东西宽2.8千米,面积6.03平方千米,平均水深1.5米。钱塘江从西南入境,在市区东侧四堡镇与京杭运河交汇,经城区东南部折向东由杭州湾入海。其南侧为宁绍平原,其中岗丘错落,瞰制江岸和浙赣走廊北口。属北亚热带湿润季风气候。年平均气温16.2℃,1月平均气温3.8℃,7月平均气温28.6℃,极端最高气温达42.1℃。年平均降水量1 500毫米左右,多集中在5一6月梅雨期和9月台风期。杭州是华东重要工业中心。工业以冶金、机械、化工、电子、轻纺等为主,产值占全省1/3左右。是中国主要丝绸工业基地之一。农业以稻米、油菜、棉花、蔬菜、桑、茶为主;渔业、副业兴旺。是中国东南部的重要交通枢纽、货物集散和商品流通中心。水陆交通方便,铁路有杭州一卜海、杭州一株洲、杭州一宁波、杭州一长兴诸线在此交会。水运以京杭运河为骨干,已沟通钱塘江水系与长江、淮河等水系之间的航运线。杭州港可进出100~300吨级船舶,是中国内河航运中』自之一。公路四通八达,向北以杭州一南京、杭州一上海国道为骨干通达北方各省市,向南有钱塘江大桥连接浙东南及闽赣等省。杭雨高速公路建成通车。览桥为著名航空港,可供大型客机起落,有定期班机往返国内各大中城市与香港等地。有国家、省、市级文物保护单位32个,著名风景区有西湖、六和塔、灵山洞、瑶林、千岛湖(新安江水库)等。吴越和南宋在此建都220余年,历史上发生较大战事有:南朝齐永明三年(485)十二月,富阳人唐寓之从桐庐聚众数百攻陷富阳,次年春攻陷钱塘、盐官及余杭等县,在钱塘建立吴国,不久即败亡。宋德佑元年(1275)元垂相巴延(伯颜)分兵三路进攻临安,于次年初会师临安外围长安镇及皋亭山等地。南宋朝廷不战而降。1 860年太平天国忠王李秀成率部奇袭杭州,解天京(今南京)之围。1949年渡江战役中,中国人民解放军第7兵团一部从裕溪口渡江,经广德、湖州直取杭州。为控制浙赣走廊,割断国民党军汤恩伯与白崇禧两集团间的联系,加快上海和浙闽等地的解放进程创造了有利条件。 (王择)Hangzhou杭州(H angzhou)中国著名古都,东南沿海军事要地,浙江省省会。
