300字范文 > 静物画 still life英语短句 例句大全

静物画 still life英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-04 04:23:58


静物画 still life英语短句 例句大全

静物画,still life

1)still life静物画

1.Thestill life has its special value and its special value lies in the fact that although it describes static objects, the emotion reflected is fluid.静物画,是把静止的物体作为主题来描绘的一种绘画门类,它是艺术领域中一种极具魅力的语言形式,静物画有着其特殊的价值,它的独特性就在于它描绘的是静止的物体,折射出的却是流动着的情感。


1.paint a picture, a portrait, a still life, etc画图画、 肖像画、静物画等

2.She is good at landscape and still life.她擅长画风景画和静物画。

3.I prefer landscape to still life.我喜欢风景画, 不喜欢静物画.

4.Trompe-loeil is a still-life painting.错视画法是一种静物画法

5.Will it be an abstract pattern, or will it be a picture of things, a scene or people?它将是一幅抽象画,还是静物画、风景画或者人物画呢?

6.Description: This is a still life painting depicts some florid flowers.描述:这幅画描述描述一瓶绚丽的花朵的静物画。

7.He did36 paintings of himself, and his most famous still lifes are of sunflowers.他为自己画了36幅自画像,而他最有名的静物画是向日葵。

8.The appearance at all three levels of portraiture, still life, the grotesque, or caricature would all be interesting studies.研究肖像画、静物画、荒诞画或漫画这三种绘画形式的产生,那将是引人人胜的。

9.Cezanne is known for his unique still life paintings of apples.赛尚以独具一格的苹果静物画闻名遐迩。

10.Seeking the Subtel Differences in Reality:On the Themes Of Morandi"s Still Life Paintings寻找真实中的差异:莫兰迪静物画题材研究

11.The food thus pictured looks like famous paintings of still life. The only trouble is it"s tasteless.这样,拍成照片的食物看上去就像一幅著名的静物画。唯一不尽人意的问题是吃起来没有味道。

12.The purpose of a still-life picture is to concrete to the eye the spiritual, the intangible静物画的目的就是要在你眼前具体地呈现出一种心灵的状态,一种不具实体的事物。

13.The traditional still life is to please people"s eye for beauty and enrich their material life.传统静物画体现的作用就是愉悦人们的审美眼光,装点人们的物质生活。

14."Netherlandish still lifes often depicted skulls, candles, and hourglasses as allegories of mortality, or flowers and fruits to symbolize nature"s cycle."早期的尼德兰静物画以头盖骨、蜡烛和沙漏寓意死亡,以四季鲜花和果实象征大自然的循环。

15.Dutch and French still-life paintings of the 17th-18th centuries show the popularity of floral arrangements.17和18世纪的欧洲,尤其荷兰和法国,花卉的静物画也显示了插花的流行以及当时的款式。

16.Cindy: She likes painting landscapes best, but she also enjoys doing still lifes.辛迪:她最爱画风景画,但也喜欢画静物。

17.He also drew Chinese opera figures, nudes and still lives.他还画戏曲人物画、裸女、瓶花静物等。

18.and is often used to render portraits, still lives and natural scenery.在肖像、静物以及风景油画上显示了它的优势。


still-life oil painting静物油画

1.The author,through a thorough analytic research ofstill-life oil painting development,maintains that instead of merely a means for basic skills training,still-life oil painting should be laid more emphasis on its conveyance of the humanistic features,the aesthetic insight into the object,thus fully embodying the artistic reflections the painter had on the life.通过对静物油画各个时期发展历程的分析研究, 主张静物画不应当仅仅作为进行基本技法训练的一种手段, 而应当注重静物画所表达的思想内容和感情, 充分挖掘其中所蕴涵的艺术观和审美观, 从而真正体现画者对生活的艺术感悟。

3)Still-life water color水彩静物画

4)This is a still life picture.这是静物画。

5)early still-life早期静物画

6)pure still-life纯粹静物画


静物画静物画still-life以日常生活中无生命的物体为主要描绘对象的绘画。通常以油画、水粉画、水彩画或素描为描绘手段。静物画成为独立的绘画样式是从16世纪开始的,在此之前,它只是作为宗教画或肖像画背景上的点缀。17世纪,静物画在荷兰、佛兰德斯渐趋普遍。近现代,它还成为画家练习技巧和学院美术教学的一种手段,旨在训练观察能力、造型能力和色彩表现能力。静物画的对象多为食品、炊具、餐具、水果、蔬菜、花卉,以至书籍、乐器、灯具、骷髅、死去的动物或动物标本等。画幅一般不大。早期静物画常具宗教寓意和象征意义。静物画体裁的产生,重要原因之一是由于当时艺术家对于表现人的生活的兴趣,其中有文艺复兴以后人文主义思想的影响。17世纪荷兰静物画华丽、精美。18世纪法国J.-B.-S.夏尔丹的作品代表静物画发展的第二个高峰,把极普通的对象变为富于美感的艺术品。后印象主义画家P.塞尚 追求静物造型的结构和色彩的坚实感,其对形式意味感的表现,创造了静物画的新形式。立体主义画家发展了塞尚的新形式。中国的以描绘古器物形状为主的博古画也是一定意义上的静物画。夏尔丹《银酒杯》
