300字范文 > 城乡供水一体化 integration of urban and rural water supply英语短句 例句大全

城乡供水一体化 integration of urban and rural water supply英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-17 21:29:53


城乡供水一体化 integration of urban and rural water supply英语短句 例句大全

城乡供水一体化,integration of urban and rural water supply

1)integration of urban and rural water supply城乡供水一体化


1.Scientific optimization allocation of water resources,realization of unification of urban and rural water supply;科学优化配置水资源 实现城乡供水一体化

2.Research on the Water Supply Enterprise s Asset Reorganization in Handan City and the Reform of Urban and Rural Water Supply Integration;邯郸市供水企业资产重组及城乡供水一体化统筹改革研究

3.Research on the Integration of Urban and Suburban Water Supply of the Northern Area of Zhejiang Province;关于浙北地区城乡供水一体化问题的研究——以H县为例

4.On the Urban-Rural and Urbanism System;城乡一体化与乡村城市化双轨制探讨

5.Research on the Plan,Harmonious and Integration of the City and Countryside;城乡统筹、城乡和谐与胶东半岛城乡一体化研究

6.Multi-Stage Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation on the Operation Level of Integrated Passenger Transportation on the Urban and Rural Roads;城乡客运一体化运营水平多级模糊综合评价

7.Probe and Advice on Integral Management of Water Resources between Cities and Towns;郑州市水资源城乡一体化管理的探讨与建议

8.Optimal Allocation Analysis of Water Resources in the Construction of Urban-rural Integration in Haicheng海城市城乡一体化建设中的水资源优化配置研究

9.City Periphery:Core and Primary Area of Rural-urban Integration;城市边缘区:城乡统筹、城乡一体化的核心部位

10.Integration of Municipal Water Supply Industry Based on Multi-entity Ownership;基于产权多元化的城市供水产业一体化

11.Optimization of Booster Pump Station Operation under Urban-rural Intensive Water Supply Pattern城乡集约化供水模式下泵站增压方式的优化

12.The Institutional Changes of the Urban-rural Dualistic Structure and the Urban-rural Integration;城乡二元结构的制度变迁与城乡一体化

13.Balancing Urban and Rural Development,Promoting the Urbanrural Integration in Huzhou;统筹城乡发展,加快推进湖州城乡一体化

14.Overall Planning for Urban and Rural Health Resources and Construction of Unified Medical Reform Model between City and Countryside统筹城乡卫生资源构建城乡一体化医改模式

15.Abolish Dual-structure Society of Rural and Urban Areas and Integrate the Nation"s Rural and Urban Economic Society into One破除城乡二元结构,实现城乡经济社会一体化

16.On Integrated Development in Oasis Based on Rural and Urban Interaction,Industrial Coordination城乡互动产业协调 推动绿洲城乡一体化

17.Discard the Barrier of Dualistic Urban-rural Structure,Promote the Process of Urban-rural Integration破除城乡二元结构壁垒,推动城乡一体化进程

18.Probe for the Urban-rural Integrative Green System Research of Small Towns;城乡一体化小城镇绿地系统研究初探


level of urban-rural interaction城乡一体化水平

3)planning of water supply and sewer system of urban-rural integration城乡一体化供排水系统规划

1.On the basis of status quo of water supply and sewer system in city and countryside, the paper analyzes the characteristic, principle and method of theplanning of water supply and sewer system of urban-rural integration.根据我国目前城乡供排水系统建设现状,对城乡一体化供排水系统规划的特性、规划原则和规划方法进行研究。

4)integration of urban and rural areas城乡一体化

1.Integrated value flow of circulation system of water resources forintegration of urban and rural areas in western part of China:Taking Chongqing as an example西部地区城乡一体化水资源循环系统整合价值流分析——以重庆市为例

2.According to the development object of health service "integration of urban and rural areas" and the trend of urban health net of "community and hospital",the responsibilities of three organization of rural health service system become clearer than before.依据卫生服务"城乡一体化"的发展目标和城市"社区—医院"二级网络的发展趋势,农村卫生系统虽保持"县—乡镇—村"三级网络模式,但分工更加明确,其中,乡镇卫生院主要承担农村"社区"的职能。

5)urban-rural integration城乡一体化

1.The thoughts of environmental protection inurban-rural integration;城乡一体化中的环境保护思路

2.Study on water supply and sewer system planning ofurban-rural integration.;城乡一体化的供排水系统规划初探

3.Development and innovation of rural land use right in the process ofurban-rural integration;城乡一体化进程中农地使用权创新

6)urban and rural integration城乡一体化

1.Development research onurban and rural integration based on regional city construction;基于区域城市建设的城乡一体化发展研究

2.On the mutual influence between rurai tourism andurban and rural integration;乡村旅游与城乡一体化互动研究

3.and put forward the corresponding ways ofurban and rural integration to solve these problems in the planning.本文结合湖南省常德市汉寿县域城镇体系规划实例,深入分析了我国中部欠发达地区小城镇产业发展中存在的典型问题,同时阐述了欠发达地区小城镇产业发展的现状条件及自身优势,并由此提出走城乡一体化发展道路的解决对策。


