300字范文 > 高职类院校 vocational colleges英语短句 例句大全

高职类院校 vocational colleges英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-21 03:37:59


高职类院校 vocational colleges英语短句 例句大全

高职类院校,vocational colleges

1)vocational colleges高职类院校

1.There is high demand on the experiments invocational colleges.高职类院校对教学中的实验环节有着较高要求,然而部分实验设备存在着价值昂贵、损耗大、技术更新过快、不便管理等问题,制约了教学效果的提高。


1.On Psychological health and education of Freshmen in Higher Vocational Institutes;论高职类院校新生的心理健康与教育

2.On the Characteristics of College Chinese Teaching in Vocational College浅论高职类院校大学语文教学的特色

3.On Teaching of Chemistry Course in P.E.Colleges;试论体育类高职高专院校的化学教学

4.On Reforming Advanced Mathematics Teaching in Maritime Higher Vocational Colleges航海类高职院校高等数学的教学改革

5.The exploration on experiment teaching mode of "classified teaching" in professional colleges;高职院校实验教学“分类教学”模式探索

6.A Tentative Research on the Experimental Teaching Classified Teaching in Professional College;高职院校实验教学分类教学模式探索

7.Discussion on the Teaching of Imports and Exports Commodities Classification for Higher Vocational School;高职院校《进出口商品归类》教学的探讨

8.The Law Teaching Reform in Higher Vocational Art Colleges;浅谈艺术类高职院校法律教学的改革

9.Consideration on the Curriculum Design of Economical Specialty in Higher Vocational Schools;高职院校经济类专业课程设计的思考

10.Present situation of scientific research of health colleges and its possible solutions;卫生类高职院校科研工作现状及对策

11.The integration of notion and practice-the consider of develop strategy of architectural high vocational college;建筑类高职院校发展战略的理性思考

12.On the construction of mathematics curriculum in vocational colleges;高职院校经管类专业数学课程的建构

13.An Investigation and Study on Employment Quality of Art Vocational College Graduates文科类高职院校毕业生就业质量调研

14.On the cultivation of maritime culture in maritime HVE colleges浅谈航海类高职院校航海文化的构建

15.On the Current Situation of S&T Innovation in Higher Vocational Schools and Countermeasure--Based on Investigation of Agricultural Higher Vocational Schools in Hunan Province;高职院校科技创新现状与对策研究——基于湖南农类高职院校调查

16.From Vocational Skill Appraisal to a Talk on Higher Vocational Colleges Electrical Specialized Subjects Teaching Reform;由职业技能鉴定谈高职院校电类专业教学改革

17.Present Situation and Countermeasures of Vocational Ethnics of Construction Vocational Institution Students建筑类高职院校学生职业道德现状及对策研究

18.Thoughts on Positioning Computer-related Majors at Vocational Colleges of Commerce and Trade;商贸类高职院校计算机类专业定位的思考


construction college建设类高职院校

1.Research into the Problems with the Specialties Offered at Construction Colleges and the Solutions Hunan urbanconstruction college;建设类高职院校专业设置的问题与对策研究

3)science-dominated higher vocational college工科类高职院校

4)High Vocational Colleges of Politics and Law政法类高职院校

1.The Actualization of Running A School Independently ofHigh Vocational Colleges of Politics and Law;政法类高职院校办学自主权现实化研究

5)construction vocational college建筑类高职院校

1.The quality and efficiency come out of excellent management, which has become the decisive factor for the survival and development ofconstruction vocational college.建筑类高职院校的生存与发展,归根结底是质量问题,而质量问题就是管理问题,“管理出质量、管理出效益”。

6)Art vocational colleges艺术类高职院校


