300字范文 > 建设用地问题 issues of construction land英语短句 例句大全

建设用地问题 issues of construction land英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-19 22:27:40


建设用地问题 issues of construction land英语短句 例句大全

建设用地问题,issues of construction land

1)issues of construction land建设用地问题


1.Thought of theconstruction of the physical education culture on campus in new era;新时期我国高校校园体育文化建设问题的理性思考


1.Study on the Family Morality Construction of New Countryside Constructions论新农村建设中的家庭道德建设问题

2.Probe into the Problem of the Non-governmental Capital Participating in the Construction of Infrastructure;民间资本参与基础设施建设问题探讨

3.On the Public Cultural Facility Construction in Countryside Pastoral Area农村牧区公共文化设施建设问题研究

4.Study on Highway Transport and It s Implicit Repeated Construction in Guangxi;广西公路运输建设问题和隐性重复建设问题研究

5.The Research for Construction Problem of Forestry Ecology in the Period of Constructing Well-To-Do Society;全面建设小康社会时期林业生态建设问题研究

6.The Research on the Criminal Law Construction--The Growing Course of the Criminal Law Construction;刑事法制建设问题研究——刑事法制建设析评


8.This is essentially an issue of statutory construction.实质上这是一个法制建设问题。

9.Problems and Countermeasures of Implementing Agent Construction System in Construction Projects;建设工程实行“代建制”的问题与对策

10.The Problem, Objective and Access of Modern Agriculture Construction in Fujian;福建现代农业建设的问题、目标与途径

11.Constructing Harmonious Nantong and Countermeasures;建设和谐南通的存在问题及对策建议

12.Problems of and Suggestions to Constructing Well-off Society in West China;建设西部农村小康社会的问题与建议

13.The Status,Problems and Advice of Chinese Electronic Government Construction;我国电子政府建设现状、问题及建议

14.Study on Financing Channels of the Infrastructure Construction of the Western;西部基础设施建设中的融资问题探讨

15.The farmer problem is a proletariat revolution with the development of basic problem.农民问题是无产阶级革命和建设的基本问题。

16.The Probing Pedagogical Design of Mathematical Problems Construction and Solution;数学问题构建与问题解决探究式教学设计

17.Small residential areas have become a priority with the Ministry of Construction.建设居民小区是建设部要优先解决的问题。

18.Of ficial Morality Fostering--A Key Issue Concerning Party Style Construction;官德建设:一个关乎党风建设的重大问题



1.Thought of theconstruction of the physical education culture on campus in new era;新时期我国高校校园体育文化建设问题的理性思考

3)problems of land utilization用地问题

1.People are taking attention to theproblems of land utilization.温家宝总理说过“土地是中华民族的生命线”,用地问题人们一直在密切关注着。

4)Construction and problems建设与问题

5)Construction land建设用地

1.Geologic environment evaluation for construction lands in major cities of Jiangxi Province;江西省主要城市建设用地地质环境初步评价

2.Probing into influence and countermeasures to construction land management after joining WTO;加入WTO对建设用地管理的影响及对策探讨

3.Classification of the urban land utilization and standards for construction land use;城市用地分类与建设用地标准修编原则初探

6)land for construction建设用地

1.By introducing the meaning of the planning area specified in the Urban and Rural Planning Law,this paper analyzes the relationship between the planning area and the administrative area,between the planning area and theland for construction.在介绍《城乡规划法》规定的规划区内涵的基础上,重点分析了规划区与行政区域、规划区与建设用地之间的关系,提出城乡规划行政管理的权力空间范围和责任空间范围两个不同的概念,指出法律在这两者的规定上并不完全重合。

2.The purpose of this paper is to find the importance,obstacles and policies of intensive use ofland for construction.研究目的:分析建设用地集约利用的意义、制约因素与对策。

3.This paper expounds the situation of the land requirement in the economic development of Daixian County,and puts forward the suggestions on controlling the scale of theland for construction,guaranteeing the key construction projects and adjusting the land-use structure.阐述了代县经济发展对土地需求面临的形势,提出了控制建设用地规模、保证重点建设、调整用地结构的建议。


