300字范文 > 体育教师教育 PE teachers education英语短句 例句大全

体育教师教育 PE teachers education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-16 13:27:06


体育教师教育 PE teachers education英语短句 例句大全

体育教师教育,PE teachers education

1)PE teachers education体育教师教育

1.PE teachers education will has become the new problem in our education reform.社会及体育教育事业的发展对体育教师的素质提出了更高的要求,传统的培养体育教师的方式已不适应未来社会发展的趋势和潮流,体育教师教育已成为当前教育改革中急需解决的新课题,在体育教师教育过程中要实现文理、一般教师教育与学科教师教育、职前与职后、学历与非学历、教研与科研、师范与非师范、学校与社会的整合与贯通。

2.By literature and materials,this paper analyzes the formation,development and reform process of ChinesePE teachers education from a macro point of view,and points out that the dependence is distinct in the history of ChinesePE teachers education.回顾、分析了中国体育教师教育一个世纪以来的形成与发展,指出:中国体育教师教育的发展具有鲜明的依附性。


1.A Study on the Specialization of P.E.Teachers and the Specialization of the Education of P.E.Teachers;体育教师专业化与体育教师教育专业化研究

2.Exploration of Sport Teacher Teaching Ability Testing Program;体育教师教育教学能力测试方案初探

3.Research of Chinese Integrative System of PE Teacher s Education;我国体育教师教育的一体化体系研究

4.Physical Education Instructor [Correctional Services Department]体育导师〔惩教署〕

5.Study on the patterns of the teaching practice of P.E.of teachers colleges;高师体育教育专业教育实习模式研究

6.Institutes of Education in China s Teacher Training System;我国现代教师教育体系中的教育学院

7.Innovating upon the Model of Teacher Education,Constructing the System of Teacher Education with Chinese Characteristic;创新教师教育模式,构建中国特色教师教育体系

8.The Study of the Physical and Non-physical Teacher s Theaching Efficiency;体育教师与非体育教师教学效能感比较研究

9.Modern PE Teaching Reform and RE-Education of PE Teachers;现代体育教学改革与体育教师的再教育

10.Strengthen the Cultivation of Young Teachers and Perfect the System of Teachers Education;加强青年教师培养 完善教师教育体系

11.Teachers Subjectivity--the Necessary Choice of Teacher Education;主体性教师——教师教育的应然选择

12.The reflection and reform of teacher education for subjective teacher;主体性教师:教师教育的反思与变革

13.ON P.E.education in universities and Life-long P.E.;高等师范院校体育教育与终身体育化

14.Quality Education of P.E.:The Main Items of P.E.Normal School Education;体育素质是体育师范教育的主要目标

15.Reforming Physical Education in Teachers Colleges and Promoting the Development of Mass Physical Training;改革高师体育教育,促进群众体育发展

16.Reform of the Training Mode of Teachers Education and the Construction of the Course System;试论师范教育转型与教师教育课程体系的构建

17.On PE Teachers Specialization Development and Reform Of Teacher Education in China;改革我国教师教育促进体育教师专业化发展

18.Research on Role Transition of P.E.Teachers and Teachers Training in the Context of New Curriculum Strandard;新课程标准下的体育教师角色转变与教师教育



1.Continuing education of universityP.E.teachers;论普通高校体育教师的继续教育

2.Knowledge structure,ability level and comprehensive quality of collegeP.E.teachers;高校体育教师知识结构、能力水平与综合素质的培养

3.Relationships between pressure from work and mental health of universityP.E.teachers in Zhejiang province;浙江省高校体育教师工作压力、心理健康及其关系研究

3)physical education teacher体育教师

1.On the contemporary requirements of the quality ofphysical education teachers;试述当代体育教师的素质要求

2.An essay on the quality requirements of the new courses for aphysical education teacher;新课程标准下的体育教师素质

parative analysis of Chinese and Japanese technical curriculum standards for the cultivation ofphysical education teachers;中日体育教师培养的技术课程标准比较分析

4)PE teachers体育教师

1.To develop the quality of the creative typePE teachers;创新型体育教师素质的建构

2.Necessity ofPE teachers reeducation;体育教师再教育的必要性

5)Physical education teachers体育教师

1.On how the curriculum reforms motivate and lead the physical education teachers in the new era;新时期课程改革对体育教师的促动与引领

2.Investigation and analysis of the recognition and evaluation of mental health education by physical education teachers in elementary and middle schools in Hunan province;湖南省中小学体育教师对心理健康教育认知与评价的调查分析

3.Occupational burnout of physical education teachers;体育教师职业倦怠现象的解析及策略

6)PE teacher体育教师

1.Cause analysis and countermove ofPE teacher′s occupational fatigue;体育教师职业倦怠的成因分析与对策研究

2.Physical Education Curriculum Reform and PE Teacher Role Changes;高职高专体育课程改革与体育教师角色的转变

3.Elegance and value ofPE teachers physical appearance;论体育教师体态美及其价值


