300字范文 > 有故无殒 Yougu Wuyun英语短句 例句大全

有故无殒 Yougu Wuyun英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-09 06:15:26


有故无殒 Yougu Wuyun英语短句 例句大全

有故无殒,Yougu Wuyun

1)Yougu Wuyun有故无殒

1.From clinical operation of the concept of "Yougu Wuyun" in Jinkui Yaolue,different dosage form and active selection of therapeutic tools,summarized the characteristics that ZHANG Zhong-jing treated woman disease.从《金匮要略》中对《内经》"有故无殒"思想的临床运用,不同剂型和治疗手段的灵活选取等方面对张仲景治疗妇人病的特色进行概述。

2)Analysis of security of intense drugs for pregnant woman"有故无殒"发微

3)Death of a woman玉殒香消

4)without reason无故

1.Han dynasty in order to strengthen the management of the social public security, proclaimed a decree that masses couldn t drink wine togetherwithout reason .汉朝政府为了加强社会治安管理,曾颁布一条禁令,即"三人已上无故群饮酒,罚金四两。


1.grin like a Cheshire cat常常无缘无故地傻笑

2.Don"t get all steamed up over nothing.不要无缘无故地发脾气。

3.He died without any cause.他无缘无故地死了。

4.They gave me much aBuse for no fault.他们无缘无故地大骂我。

5.There is absolutely no such thing in the world as love or hatred without reason or cause.世上决没有无缘无故的爱,也没有无缘无故的恨。

6.Research of Diagnosis Method to Nocode Breakdown in Idling Engine发动机怠速无故障码故障的诊断方法

7.unfailing service可靠服务,无故障的工作

8.trouble-free oil clutch无故障的浸油离合器

9.I was criticized without any reason.我平白无故挨了批评。

10.She used to complain without good cause.她过去常常无故抱怨。

11.Those who were absent without excuse will be punished.无故缺席者将挨罚。

12.Those who are absent without excuse excuse) will be dismissed.无故缺席者一律开除.

13."When you are content to be simply yourself and don"t compare or compete,everybody will respect you."" 夫唯不争,故无尤"

14.Therefore, just as water retains no constant shape, so in warfare there are no constant conditions.故兵无常势,水无常形。

15.There is no suffering, no accumulating, no extinction, and no Way, and no understanding and no attaining.无苦、集、灭、道。无智亦无得,以无所得故。

16.rendered helpless by an accident因出事故而束手无策

17.He told a silly story.他讲了一个无聊的故事。

18.an unfailing source of good stories.好故事的无穷尽源泉


Analysis of security of intense drugs for pregnant woman"有故无殒"发微

3)Death of a woman玉殒香消

4)without reason无故

1.Han dynasty in order to strengthen the management of the social public security, proclaimed a decree that masses couldn t drink wine togetherwithout reason .汉朝政府为了加强社会治安管理,曾颁布一条禁令,即"三人已上无故群饮酒,罚金四两。

5)Having disease有故

6)without sake无缘无故


有故无殒有故无殒 有故无殒 治疗学术语。系用药法则。出《素问·六元正纪大论》。故,缘故;殒,死亡。指临床用药时,虽然药性峻猛,只要有相应病证,药证相符,就不会出现危险。
