300字范文 > 教育研究者 education researcher英语短句 例句大全

教育研究者 education researcher英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-27 09:50:43


教育研究者 education researcher英语短句 例句大全

教育研究者,education researcher

1)education researcher教育研究者

1.School improvement is a kind of professional coordination based on the common needs of the schools,government andeducation researchers,who are connected by a symbiotic partnership.学校改进是基于学校、政府和教育研究者共同需求基础之上的专业协作,研究者与学校、政府之间是一种专业共生的伙伴关系。


1.Positive Pedagogy Methodology--How Educational Researchers Interpret;实证教育学方法论——教育研究者如何解释

2.A methodological approach to the proper type of educational researchers;培养什么样的教育研究者以及如何培养——对我国教育学教育的思考

3.Towards the Autonomy-Moral Narration of an Education Researcher;走向自律—一位教育研究者的道德叙事

4.Practical Accountability of Today s Researchers in Education Science;漫谈当前教育研究者的“实践责任”

5.Teacher of Teacher:Studies into Teacher Educators in the West;教师的教师:西方的教师教育者研究

6.The Research on the Higher Education Investment Risk of the Educated in China我国高等教育受教育者投资风险研究

7.Research on the Psychological Effects of the Teachers" Discipline Speech Act;教育者管教言语行为的心理效应研究

8.Investor Confidence,Investor Behavior and Investor Education Efficient投资者信心、投资者行为与投资者教育效率研究

9.From "Observer" to "Participator" --the new perspective of second language teacher educatio n research;从“观察者”到“参与者”——外语教师教育研究的新视角

10.Obstacles Preventing Teachers from Becoming Researchers and Teachers Educational Courses Reform;论教师走向研究者的障碍与教师教育课程改革

11.an educator who works at a college or university.在大学或研究院的教育者。

12.Student as Researcher: A New Educational Theory;让学生成为研究者:一个新的教育理念

13.Higher Education Policy Research Based on the Relevant Beneficiaries基于利益相关者的高等教育政策研究

14.On the pluralism in the research on education;论教育学研究者的多元意识——教育学研究方法论探讨之一

15.The research findings provide information for sex educator to improve quality of sexual education.研究结果期能提供性教育者教学改进之参考。

16.On Education Researchers" Intervention into Primary and Middle Schools论教育理论研究者对中小学教师学习的介入

17.The review of teacher educators" character and professional profile abroad国外有关教师教育者特征及职业素质的研究

18.On the Plight Caused by the Institutalization of Educational Research and its Outlet;论学院化教育研究的困境与出路——兼论教育学者的学术使命


comparative education researchers比较教育研究者

1.We observed comparative education research from the vision,position,operations,quality of "exile",we deemed thatcomparative education researchers should fulfill their responsibilities as an intellectual——look at the education issues or questioned education policies,combat power,on behalf of the weak,not the right to speak,forgotten people,the pursuit of knowledge create an.文章以此从"流亡者"的视野、立场、行动、品质四个方面来观照比较教育研究,认为比较教育研究者应该履行自己作为一个知识分子的职责,那就是以双重视角和批判的眼光看待和质疑教育决策和措施,"对权势说真话",代表弱者、没有话语权、被遗忘的人群,追求知识创造和学术自由。

3)pedagogy researchers教育学研究者

1.At present,pedagogy researchers are faced with many contradictions and crises of the lower theory function resulting from the separation of professional researchers and practitioners, of the academic dignity caused by the joining of other subjects and correlated scholars as well as of the value selection led to by academic mission and present interests.不同时期的教育学研究者的学术背景、研究旨趣变化很大,教育学研究者的学术背景、研究旨趣的变迁直接影响教育学的发展。

4)researchers of educational policies教育政策研究者

5)higher education researcher高等教育研究者

1.This paper expounds the relationship between higher education research and university presidents from three aspects: the reason of university presidents beinghigher education researchers,the f.本文从大学校长为什么要成为高等教育研究者,校长作为研究者研究的特点,以及支持校长成为研究者的条件和策略等三个层面阐述高等教育研究与大学校长的关系问题。

6)Research-based educator研究型的教育者


