300字范文 > 韩国报纸 Korea newspaper英语短句 例句大全

韩国报纸 Korea newspaper英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-05 19:54:21


韩国报纸 Korea newspaper英语短句 例句大全

韩国报纸,Korea newspaper

1)Korea newspaper韩国报纸

1.The paper researches the advertising operating strategies of newspaper in the great Internet environment, and analyzes the changes and adjustments of newspaper advertising strategies through the development ofKorea newspaper, including the format, content, price and sales.本文将报纸的广告运营策略放在互联网时代这个大环境中进行研究,从韩国报纸的发展变化看网络媒体迅猛的发展态势影响下报纸广告策略方面的调整和变化。


1.Advertising Strategies Research of Korea Newspapers in Internet Era互联网时代韩国报纸的广告运营策略研究

2.E. Hwa Hi-Tech Co., Ltd. Eden Bio Wallpaper Co., Ltd.韩国爱登墙纸有限公司

3.The Chinese college students and the "fashionable current from Korea"--An analytical report on the fashionable current from Korea;中国大学生与“韩流”——关于“韩流”的调查分析报告

4.An Overview of the Image of China in the Media of Korea during the Past Ten Years through KOREA DAILY从《朝鲜日报》看韩国媒体中的中国形象

5.China"s most widely circulated newspaper中国发行量最大的报纸

6.The newspaper obtains a national circulation.这家报纸在全国发行。

7.Perfect Waste Paper Recovery Systems Support the Healthy Development of Paper Industry in Japan,Korea and Taiwan Province;日本、韩国和我国台湾省完善的废纸回收体系支持造纸业健康发展

8.The Tribune became America"s first nationwide newspaper.论坛报成为美国第一家全国性的报纸。

9.Kevin Kim reports from the South Korean capital Seoul.凯文?肯姆从韩国首都首尔发回报道。

10.Inspection Report on the Farm Produce Wholesale Markets in Japan &South Korea;日本、韩国农产品批发市场考察报告

11.There"s little coverage of foreign news in the newspaper.报纸上几乎没有国外新闻的报道.

12.The Framing Analysis on the Paper Media How to Report New Socialist Countryside;我国报纸媒体新农村报道的框架分析

13.Research on Present Situation and Countermeasures of Critical Reports in China s Press;我国报纸批评报道的现状及对策研究

14.Study on National Newspapers of Nobel Prize in Literature-from 1999 to 国内报纸(1999-)诺贝尔文学奖报道

15.It was the first defection in 10 years of a commissioned North Korean military officer, according to Yonhap, an official South Korean news agency.据韩联社,韩国新闻机构报道说,这是来首位叛逃的朝鲜军官。

16.A review on the development of China s paper industry in 2002;中国造纸协会关于中国造纸工业2002年度报告

17.In Britain the newspaper market is divided between the larger broadsheets and the smaller tabloids.在英国,报纸有两种类型,大版面严肃性报纸和小版面小报。

18.Research on the Reports of the Chinese Civil War of Chosun Daily during the Special Period from the Establishment of the Republic of Korea to the Establishment of New China;大韩民国成立至新中国成立时期朝鲜日报对中国内战的报道研究


Korean Times韩国时报

3)Korean Daily News韩国日报

4)British newspapers英国报纸

paring with the attitude held by mostBritish newspapers towards China s human rights in the past century,few changes have taken place in this area in spite of the development of Sino-British bilateral relationship in the context of the multi-polarity construction of the international arena.作者将英国报纸的立场和我国全球传播的现状作了比较,并提出建设性的意见。

5)foreign press外国报纸

6)US newspaper美国报纸

1.By resorting to frame theory and content analysis, the thesis analyzes the coverage of Beijing Olympics by The New York Times and USA Today, aiming to find the reporting frame ofUS newspapers on Beijing Olympics.论文通过对《纽约时报》和《今日美国》中涉及北京奥运会举办之前、举办期间及举办之后样本的研究,以框架理论和内容分析的方法解析了美国报纸对北京奥运会报道的主题框架、结构框架和话语框架。


英国国家标准(见英国标准学会)英国国家标准(见英国标准学会)national standards of British: see British Standards Institution; BSIYi飞月uo guojia以以文hu英国国家标准(朋60几以Of British)见英国标准学会。
