300字范文 > 课余训练体制 The system of extracurricular physical training英语短句 例句大全

课余训练体制 The system of extracurricular physical training英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-07 14:04:06


课余训练体制 The system of extracurricular physical training英语短句 例句大全

课余训练体制,The system of extracurricular physical training

1)The system of extracurricular physical training课余训练体制


1.Necessity for the Development of Extracurricular Training System --integration of Physical Training and Physical Education;学校课余训练体制发展的必然——体教结合

2.Problem of After-school Training in High School and Its Solution;高中体育课余训练的问题与解决策略

3.Thought on how to build the system of sparetime sports training in primary and middle school;中小学建立科学课余训练体系的思考

4.Research on Conflict and Awkwardness of After Class Sports Training in Primary and Middle Schools;论中小学课余体育训练的冲突与尴尬

5.Treat the Physical Education and the Extracurricular Training Correctly in Colleges and Universities;正确对待高校的体育教学和课余训练

6.On the Problem and Resolution of After-class Physical Training in Middle School;中学课余体育训练存在的问题及对策

7.Discuss on the Quality Requirement of After-school Sports Training Coaches浅析学校课余体育训练对教练员的素质要求

8.Link Between Amateur Training of the Chinese High-levelSports Teams and Amateur Training System of Adolescents;我国高水平运动队业余训练与青少年业余训练体制的衔接

9.Evaluation System and Provide Reference for the Standardized and Scientific Management to the after Class Physical Training in Colleges and Universities;普通高校课余体育训练工作评价体系的研究

10.A Prole into the Characteristics of Physical Education and Out-of-Class Physical Training;对体育教学与课余体育训练特点的探析

11.A Theoretical Comparison between the Professional Sports Training and the Free-time Sports Training in China;我国专业运动训练与课余体育训练异同之理论辨析

12.The Survey on the Status of the After-school Sports Training in the University of North Jiangsu;苏北地区高校课余体育训练现状调查研究

13.A survey on the current situation of extracurricular training in the key middle schools of Jiangxi province;江西省重点中学课余体育训练的现状调查

14.An Analysis of the Evaluation Concerning Spare Time Training of Sports Traditional School in Shandong Province;关于山东省体育传统学校课余训练的评价分析

15.Countermeasures on the sustainable development of after-classsports training in Chinese colleges and universities;高校课余体育训练可持续发展对策研究

16.On the Position and Function of Spare Sport-training of College in the Physical Education;论课余运动训练在高校体育中的地位和作用

17.The Analysis to the Present after Class Physical Training of Average Colleges;关于普通高校课余体育训练的现状分析

parative Research of School After Class Training and Competition Between Mainland and Taiwan;海峡两岸学校课余体育训练与竞赛的比较研究


after-school PE Training课余体育训练

1.Investigation and Analysis of Coaches forafter-school PE Training in Xinjiang Institutions of Higher Learning;新疆高校课余体育训练教练员状况的调查与分析

2.Through literature,questionnaire surveys and interviews,the paper has investigated the present situation of college students participating in after-school PE training in xinjiang minority regions as well as its influencing factors.通过文献资料、问卷调查和访谈法等,对新疆少数民族地区高校大学生参加课余体育训练的现状和影响因素进行调查,研究认为:目前新疆高校参训大学生进入大学的途径主要是通过体育加试和体育特招;大部分参训大学生抱有积极的训练态度和动机;但参训学生参加自治区级以上比赛次数较少,待遇较低。

3)extracurricular sports training课余体育训练

1.There have beening increasing number of the only child in theextracurricular sports training.文章对影响独生子女参加课余训练的家庭、社会因素进行分析,并对独生子女的身体素质、个性和心理特征与非独生子女的进行比较,提出课余体育训练针对独生子女问题应采取的对策。

2.We construct the strategy target of sustainable development of theextracurricular sports training in Chinese colleges and universities.本研究采用了文献资料、调查访问、实地考察、逻辑分析等方法 ,引入可持续发展理论 ,从制定战略指导思想入手 ,对未来我国高等院校课余体育训练可持续发展战略目标进行了构建。

3.Extracurricular sports training is a certain teaching process which is organized by the coach who, during their after-school hours, trains the students that have sports features and hobbies, cultivates their sports ability and enables the students to develop and improve their sports talents.课余体育训练是学校利用课余时间,对有一定体育运动特长和爱好的学生进行体育训练,培养体育能力,使他们的运动才能得以发展和提高的一个专门组织的教育过程。

4)After-school sports training课余体育训练

1.After-school sports training in school is not only part of the school education,but also the basic tasks and important job of athletics.学校课余体育训练是学校教育的一部分,也是学校体育工作的基本任务和重要工作。

2.Problems exist in college after-school sports training of northern Jiangsu.苏北地区高校课余体育训练中存在着问题:其一,训练目标与训练实践不完全符合;其二,训练经费投入和体育器材设置的不足;其三,存在着诸多影响教练员态度和能力提高的否定性因素;其四,存在着诸多影响运动员课余体育训练积极性的否定性因素;其五,课余体育训练项目与学生需求有些偏差;其六,突击式训练与训练频度缺乏一贯性。

5)after-school training课余训练

1.The goals and guiding ideology for the cultivation of sports personnel in Dalian are put forward and holds that cultivating the students with high comprehensive qualities is the key to sustaining development of sports personnel cultivation through investigation on situation ofafter-school training and sports personnel cultivation in Dalian, the analysis on restrictive factors.通过对大连市当前课余训练以及体育后备人才培养状况的调查,分析制约课余训练发展的几大矛盾,提出大连市培养体育后备人才的目标、指导思想,并提出培养综合素质高的学生是促进体育后备人才可持续发展的关键所在的观点。

6)training after class课余训练

1.This paper with a point of view on college hammer training summarizes the rapid development of hammar sports training in these years by means of document summarization and theoretical analysis to supply some ideas for scientificallytraining after class.以高校链球运动课余训练为视角 ,通过文献综述和理论分析的方法对近年来链球运动训练的迅速发展进行综述 ,为科学地进行课余训练提供一些启示 。

2.In the course of the sports teaching,how to conduct sportsmen to actively be involved in thetraining after class on condition of the correct handling the correlation of the culture learning and sports training is the requisite lesson for a coach to organize the training.在体育教学中,如何引导队员在正确处理文化学习与体育训练关系的前提下积极投入课余训练,是教练(体育老师)组织训练必备的一课,其中了解学生情况,掌握学生心理状况,促进教练员与运动员心理沟通,则是提高运动成绩的重要前提。


