300字范文 > 高职院校体育 P.E in higher vocational colleges英语短句 例句大全

高职院校体育 P.E in higher vocational colleges英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-29 07:28:38


高职院校体育 P.E in higher vocational colleges英语短句 例句大全

高职院校体育,P.E in higher vocational colleges

1)P.E in higher vocational colleges高职院校体育


1.Shallow aesthetic education in talking about good duty universities and colleges sports teaching is educated;浅谈高职院校体育教学中的美育教育

2.The Physical Education of Polytechnic Colleges from the Perspectives of Quality-Oriented;素质教育理念下的高职院校体育教育

3.Thoughts on Mental Education in Physical Education Teaching of Higher Vocational Colleges;高职院校体育教学中心理教育的思考

4.The Relationship of Physical Education and Quality Education in Vocational College高职院校体育教学与素质教育的关系

5.Discussion about the teaching reform in the high vocational collegebasing on the present teaching situation in our college;从我院体育教学现状谈高职院校体育教学改革

6.Research on Current and Tactics of P.E for Higher Vocational College in Anhui Province;安徽省高职院校体育现状及对策研究

7.Exploration and Practice of P.E Elective Course in Vocational College;高职院校体育选项教学课探索与实践

8.Research on Target-oriented Teaching in College Physical Education;高职院校体育教学目标的构建与实施

9.Research on Sports Injuries in High Vocational Colleges;高职院校体育运动损伤状况调查研究

10.Exploring the Administrative Teaching about Elective Course of PE in the Colleges;高职院校体育选修课分层次教学初探

11.Application of Discovery in Physical Education Teaching in Higher Vocational College;“发现法”在高职院校体育教学中的运用

12.Discussion on the Theory about Developing Professional PE in Higher Vocational and Technical College;高职院校发展职业性体育的理论探索

13.On the Practicality of Higher Vocational Colleges Physical Education Career刍议高职院校的职业实用性体育教学

14.An Analysis on the Implementation of School Sport Policy in High Vocational colleges;高职院校学校体育政策执行情况分析

15.Study On The Relationship Between The Library Of College And The Campus Cultural Construction;高职体育院校图书馆与校园文化建设

16.Research on College Physical Education Curriculum Reform;对高职高专院校体育课程改革的探究

17.On Teaching of Chemistry Course in P.E.Colleges;试论体育类高职高专院校的化学教学

18.Current sport participation of higher vocational college students高职高专院校学生体育健身参与现状


physical education teachers in vocational college高职院校体育教师

3)higher vocational college高职院校

1.Discussing the job of gathering ofhigher vocational college library;高职院校图书馆采访工作探讨

2.On the Reform Model in the Course of P.E and Health in Higher Vocational College;高职院校《体育与健康》课程改革模式探讨

3.Exploration of C programming teaching method athigher vocational colleges;高职院校C语言程序设计教学方法探索

4)vocational college高职院校

1.An analysis of the Physical education in the Nursing profession of Vocational college;高职院校护理专业形体教学初探

2.Present situation of medical teachers scientific research in medicalvocational college and its possible solutions;高职院校医学专业教师科研现状与对策

3.The construction of educational system for highervocational college library;高职院校图书馆教育体系构建

5)higher vocational colleges高职院校

1.Research on the Experimental Bases Management System in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职院校校内实验实训基地管理机制研究

2.A Ponder on Enhancement of Practical Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职院校加强实践教学的思考

3.On the teaching reform of Landscape Architecture Design courses inhigher vocational colleges;浅谈高职院校《园林规划设计》课程的教学改革

6)higher vocational school高职院校

1.A Study on the Orientation of Higher Vocational Schools——A Case Study of Zhejiang Transportation College;关于高职院校定位的研究——浙江交通职业技术学院实证研究

2.The research on the establishment of colleges and departments inhigher vocational school;高职院校院、系设置研究

3.Effection of heart-to-heart between teachers and students in the ideological and political lessons inhigher vocational school;论高职院校思想政治理论课师生心灵交融的效应


国际高等体育院校协会1962年在洛桑成立,现有34个国家的体育院校加入该会,总部设在主席所在地(现为马德里),正式工作语言为法语。国际高等体育院校协会的宗旨是:加强体育院校在教学研究方面的国际合作;交换情报和文献,出版高等体育院校的书刊;交流教师、学生和专家;与其他国际体育组织进行合作。协会的代表大会每 4年举行1次,选举领导委员会,任命执委会成员。领导委员会由主席和15~20名委员组成,两年改选 1次。执委会包括主席、两名副主席、秘书长和两名顾问。国际高等体育院校协会每年举办讨论会、报告会、讲习班,对体育教学成绩优良的学校发给奖金(5000美元)、奖章、奖状。
