300字范文 > 纠缠态表象 entangled state representation英语短句 例句大全

纠缠态表象 entangled state representation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-31 09:58:11


纠缠态表象 entangled state representation英语短句 例句大全

纠缠态表象,entangled state representation

1)entangled state representation纠缠态表象

1.Deduction of generalized Ehrenfest theorem by using theentangled state representation用纠缠态表象推导广义Ehrenfest定理

2.The relation between the solutions of the Schrdinger equation for a non-degenerate parametric down-conversion system is investigated,one was obtained by the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant theory,and another one by theentangled state representation in Fan et al.进一步研究了我们在前一篇论文中采用Lewis-Riesenfeld不变量理论和采用纠缠态表象所求得的非简并光学参量下转换系统薛定谔方程两个解间的关系。


1.Deducing Function Space from the Comherent State and Entangled State Representation从相干态与纠缠态表象推导函数空间

2.Deduction of generalized Ehrenfest theorem by using the entangled state representation用纠缠态表象推导广义Ehrenfest定理

3.Continuous Entangled State Representation: Construction and Its Applications in Wavelet Transformation连续纠缠态表象:构造及其在小波变换中的应用

4.Linear and Nonlinear Multipartite Entangled State Representation线性及非线性多模量子连续纠缠态表象

5.Deriving operator identities by two-mode coherent-entangled state representation基于双模相干-纠缠态表象的算符恒等式构造法

6.Developing the Phase Space Theory in Quantum Mechanics by Virtue of the Entangled State Representation and the Technique of Integration Within an Ordered Product (IWOP) of Operators;用纠缠态表象和有序算符内的积分方法发展量子力学相空间理论

7.Applications of Continuous Variable Entangled State Representation in the Quantum Measurement and in the Thermo Field Dynamics连续变量纠缠态表象在量子测量和热场动力学中的应用

8.Entanglement of formation for high dimensional quantum states is investigated. An analytical expression of the entanglement of formation for a special quantum mixed states is obtained.研究了高维量子混合态的生成纠缠,给出了一类特殊量子混合态的生成纠缠的解析表示。

9.It is shown that the quantum entanglement state will stay in the maximally entangled state for a long time when the detuning is equal to Rabi frequency.研究结果表明:在失谐量等于拉比频率时,该体系的纠缠度将长时间处于最大纠缠态。

10.Preparation of Quantum Logic Gate, Generation of Entanglement States and Quantification of Thermal Entanglement;量子逻辑门的构建、纠缠态的制备和热纠缠度量

11.Quantum Thermal Entanglement and the Entanglement Teleportation in the Heisenberg Model;海森堡模型中的量子热纠缠与纠缠隐形传态

12.Two-Mode Excited Entangled Coherent States and Their Entanglement Properties;两模激发纠缠相干态及其纠缠特性研究

13.Quantum Entanglement and Nonlocality of Multiphoton Entangled States;多光子纠缠态的量子纠缠与量子非局域性

14.Entropy Evolution of Entangled Atoms Interacting with Light Field;纠缠态原子与光场相互作用系统中的纠缠演化

15.Frequency Conversion of an Entangled State and Experimental Generation of Genuine Four-partite Entangled States with TTPC for Continuous Variables;纠缠光场的频率变换与TTPC纠缠态的产生

16.Concurrence vectors and description of entangled formation for a three-body system共生纠缠向量及其对三体纯纠缠态的描述

17.The Research on Form in Fock Space and Preparation by Superconducting Devices of Continuous Variable Entanglement连续变量纠缠态在Fock空间的表示及用超导器件制备的研究

18.The Entangled Properties in the Interaction between Two-mode Squeezing Vacuum State Field and Entangled Atoms;双模压缩真空态光场与纠缠态原子相互作用系统中的纠缠特性


continuous entangled state representation连续纠缠态表象

3)coherent entangled state representation相干纠缠态表象

4)the bipartite entangled state representation双粒子纠缠态表象

1.Forthe bipartite entangled state representation in quantum optics,the author present a new approach to analyze its expression in Fock space.对于量子光学的双粒子纠缠态表象,我们给出一个新途径以分析其在福克空间中的表达式。

5)squeezing operator in the entangled state representationCLC number:O431 Document code:A压缩算符的纠缠态表象

6)entangled state纠缠态

1.Implementing concentration of unknown atomicentangled states via cavity decay;基于腔衰减的未知原子纠缠态的浓缩方案

2.Teleportation of an unknown 2-particleentangled state;隐形传送一个未知的2-粒子纠缠态


