300字范文 > 南方都市报 Southern Metropolis Daily英语短句 例句大全

南方都市报 Southern Metropolis Daily英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-18 21:59:55


南方都市报 Southern Metropolis Daily英语短句 例句大全

南方都市报,Southern Metropolis Daily

1)Southern Metropolis Daily南方都市报

1.A Research on the Dynamic Positioning ofSouthern Metropolis Daily;南方都市报定位发展探析

2.Innovation is the Spirit of the Newspaper Development--Research onSouthern Metropolis Daily;创新是报业发展之魂——《南方都市报》研究

3.This dissertation usesSouthern Metropolis Daily as study case with a review of its ten years development and complicated news production practice, attempting to investigate, from an angle of field of newsroom, the interaction between news production and social control.本论文以《南方都市报》为研究个案,考察其创办十年来的发展路径以及新闻生产的复杂过程,从编辑部场域的视角出发研究其新闻生产和社会控制因素之间的互动关系。


1.Innovation is the Spirit of the Newspaper Development--Research on Southern Metropolis Daily;创新是报业发展之魂——《南方都市报》研究

2.On the Social Communicative Function of"Southern Metropolis Daily;试论《南方都市报》的社会传播功能

3.Catch Phrases of time-On News Commentary of Nanfang Daily;时代的热言——论《南方都市报》的新闻评论

4.Research on the Balance of Social News--The Reporting of South City News on Deng Yujiao社会新闻报道的平衡性研究——以《南方都市报》“邓玉娇案”报道为例

5."Hard" Landing of "Soft" Comments:--Talks in Street in Southern Cities News;“软评论”的“硬”着陆——以《南方都市报》的“街谈”栏目为例

6.The Study of "South Metropolis" Readership and the Change of the Communication Ideology读者阅读兴趣与传播理念的变革——以《南方都市报》为例

7.The teacher, Mei Xiang, has been dubbed the most beautiful teacher on the mountain by netizens according to a Southern Metropolitan News report on Wednesday.据《南方都市报》本周三的报道,这位名叫梅香的老师被网民们评为大山里最美丽的乡村女教师。

8.Stone Carvings of the Southern Dynasties in Chengdu, Sichuan成都市西安路南朝石刻造像清理简报

9.High-tech Agricultural Development in Changjiang, Dongfang and Ledong, Hainan海南昌江、东方、乐东三县市高新农业调查报告

10.Studies on the Intervention-type Reporting in "Emotion Code" in Henan City Channel河南电视台都市频道《情感密码》栏目中介入式报道研究

11.The Differences of Style between Party Organ and Metropolitan Daily;党报和都市报报道语体风格差异研究

12.Urban Newspapers Push China s Newspaper Industry to the Market;都市报:中国报业走向市场的“加速器”

13.Bidding Behavior Analysis and Forecast of Generation Enterprises in Monthly Electricity Market of Southern China Power Grid;南方区域月度电力市场中发电企业的报价行为分析与预测

petition Strategies of Newspapers in Chengdu for Diversity:A Case Study of West China City Daily and Chengdu Commercial News;都市报同城异质的竞争策略——以《华西都市报》和《成都商报》为例

15.The History and the Outlook of the City Newspaper in Chengdu;都市报在成都报业市场的发展轨迹及展望

16.Report on a Survey of the Dialects of Hunan《湖南方言调查报告》

17.Excavation of Tombs of the Han and Song Periods at Xingzhuang in Nanyang City,Henan;河南南阳市邢庄汉、宋墓群发掘报告

18.Excavation of a Han Period Tomb on the New Site of the No.1 Middle School of Nanyang City,Henan;河南南阳市一中新校址汉墓发掘简报


Jiangnan City Daily江南都市报

1.Research onJiangnan City Daily in Context of Consumer Culture;消费文化下的《江南都市报》研究

3)urban newspaper都市报

1.On the background and the characteristic ofurban newspaper event review s prosperity in new era;新时期都市报时评繁荣的背景与特征

2.1996-:A quantitative comparative analysis on the research of Chinaurban newspaper in the past ten years;1996-:中国都市报研究实证分析

3.A comparative study in Beijing s fiveurban newspapers;关于北京五家都市报的比较研究

4)metropolitan newspaper都市报

1.On the Journalism Ethics of the Emotional Pouring Reporting in Metropolitan Newspapers;都市报情感倾诉类报道传播伦理探讨

2.Study of social news lfowing from the transformation ofmetropolitan newspaper;从都市报的转型看社会新闻的流变

5)urban newspapers都市报

1.The phenomenon of competition similarity ofurban newspapers has brought many attacks in the newspaper cycle.都市报竞争同质化现象在业界引起了众多的诘难、指责甚至批判。

2.In the processurban newspapers have attached great importance to the needs of the readers and to the quality of the papers, tapped all channels for distribution, nurtured the reading public, and.都市报是指以城市居民为主要读者对象的综合类或文化、经济、生活类报纸。

3.In this article I make a content analysis on the cover page s headline news ofurban newspapers from latitudinal and longitudinal dimension.本文采用内容分析的方法,引入横向和纵向两个对比维度,对都市报自身特性及十年发展作一个初步勾勒。

6)city newspaper都市报

1.The History and the Outlook of the City Newspaper in Chengdu;都市报在成都报业市场的发展轨迹及展望

2.Since the 90’s of last century,city newspaper has made galloping development.自上个世纪九十年代以来,都市报迅猛发展。

3.Standing firmly in a fierce competition in the newspaper business, thecity newspapers have entered into the transitional period.随着我国政治、经济、文化等各方面的快速发展,加入WTO后外资媒体的不断进入以及社会主义市场经济体制的建立和完善,都市报经过激烈的竞争,进入了转折时期。


