300字范文 > 弱势群体报道 reports on the vulnerable group英语短句 例句大全

弱势群体报道 reports on the vulnerable group英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-21 22:33:21


弱势群体报道 reports on the vulnerable group英语短句 例句大全

弱势群体报道,reports on the vulnerable group

1)reports on the vulnerable group弱势群体报道

1.In recent years,thereports on the vulnerable group becomes a hot point of our country media concern.近年来,弱势群体报道成为我国媒体关注的热点。


1.News Media s Portrayal of "Vulnerable Groups" in China: A Framing Analysis;从框架理论看弱势群体报道的客观真实诉求

2.Cause and Elusion of the Loss of Humanism Spirit in Reports on the Vulnerable Group;弱势群体报道中人文精神的缺失及其成因与规避

3.Obligations & Imbalances from Media Coverage to Under-privileged Groups;论传媒对弱势群体问题报道的责任与失衡

4.On the Policy Aid and the Moral Aid for the City Disadvantaged Groups;城市弱势群体的政策救助和道德救助

5.The Reports on Off-Farm Workers;大众传媒中弱势群体利益表达现状——以重庆传媒农民工报道的内容分析为例

6.In my view, the following points should be considered.一、扬人道主义精神,真正更多为弱势群体着想。

7.Firstly, it should promote a sense of humanity and come up with more ways to help the disadvantaged.一、发扬人道主义精神,真正更多为弱势群体着想。

8.Studies about Youngster Vulnerable Groups Thoughts and Morality in the Transitional Age;转型期青少年弱势群体的思想道德状况研究

9.Education Assistance of Vulnerable Groups Offspring:From Moral Request to Policy Justice;弱势群体子女教育救助:从道德诉求到制度正义

10.Education Assistance of Vulnerable Groups’ Offspring: From Moral Request to Policy Compensation;弱势群体子女教育救助:从道德诉求到制度补偿

11.On the Moral Duty Which Public Welfare Ethics Advocates;公益伦理主张的道德义务——论对弱势群体的救助

12.Study on the Actual Effect of Ideology Education in Undergraduate Disadvantaged Groups;论弱势群体大学生思想道德教育的实效性

13.Demonstrative Unscrambling of Characteristics of the Vulnerable Group Moral Values in China Today;当前我国弱势群体道德价值观特点实证解读

14.An Analysis of the Condition Local Media Focused on the Social Group in Inferior Position-A Case Study of Nanjing Morning Post;地方媒体聚焦弱势群体状况分析——以《南京晨报》为例

15.On Caring for Relatively Disadvantaged Groups in Family Planning: Report from the Rural Area of Hanjiang District, Yangzhou关注计划生育相关弱势群体——扬州市邗江区农村调查报告

16.Ponder over the Measures of Precaution on Chinese Groups Events Based on the Protection of Social Vulnerable Groups Rights;弱势群体权利保护与群体性事件预防

17.Legal Reflection of Education Bond Protecting Weak Group & Education;教育券保护弱势群体与弱势教育的法理思考

18.The protection to the vulnerable groups and disadvantaged groups;我国弱势与劣势群体人权的法理思考


the report on the problem of social vulnerable group弱势群体问题报道

3)A Study on Social Vulnerable Groups Reporting弱势群体报道研究

4)disadvantaged groups弱势群体

1.ALA Policies on Disadvantaged Groups and the Enlightenments for Chinese Libraries Participation in the Construction of Harmonious Society;ALA弱势群体政策及对我国图书馆参与建设和谐社会的启示

2.An Important Measure Concerning Educational Fairness——a case of community education todisadvantaged groups;关涉教育公平的一项重要举措——以社区教育帮扶弱势群体的做法为例

3.On the equal rights to receive education for thedisadvantaged groups and the regulation of China’s higher education policy;弱势群体的平等受教育权与我国高等教育政策的调整

5)vulnerable groups弱势群体

1.The influence of urban spatial structural readjustment on the benefits ofvulnerable groups;城市空间结构调整对弱势群体利益的影响

2.Establishment of the theory of physicallyvulnerable groups;体质弱势群体的理论构建

3.On Legal Protection for Vulnerable Groups in China;论我国弱势群体的法律保护

6)vulnerable group弱势群体

1.The consideration on the troubles of thevulnerable group incity;对城市弱势群体所面临困难的思考

2.Analysis on the issues of the fishermen as thevulnerable group;我国渔民弱势群体问题与对策分析


