300字范文 > 新闻批评 news criticism英语短句 例句大全

新闻批评 news criticism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-31 04:11:39


新闻批评 news criticism英语短句 例句大全

新闻批评,news criticism

1)news criticism新闻批评

1.In the present society,news criticism is a main way to supervise through public opinion.在现代社会中,开展新闻批评是发挥舆论监督作用的重要途径,是人民监督的一种形式,是我党的一贯方针。

2.During this period,news criticism in Nanfang Daily has been resumed and prosperous gradually, becoming riper and riper.这一时期,《南方日报》的新闻批评逐步恢复、繁荣,并日渐成熟,新闻批评成为《南方日报》的一大品牌和特色。


1.Making Full Use of Media Criticism && Adhering to Right Orientationof Public Opinion;努力搞好新闻批评 坚持正确舆论导向

2.Critical Discourse Analysis of Political News Reports-Under the Framework of Appraisal Theory;评价理论对政治新闻的批评话语分析

3.Critical Linguistics and the Critical Analysis of English News;批评语言学与英语新闻语篇的批评性分析

4.Appropriately, the press rode him hard.新闻界对此严加批评是恰当的。

5.Critical Discourse Analysis of Chinese and American Political News Reports;中美政治新闻报道的批评性语篇分析

6.Critical Discourse Analysis of Western Political News Discourses;西方政治新闻语篇的批评性语篇分析

7.Critical Discourse Analysis of Political News Reports in American and British Newspapers;英美报纸政治新闻的批评性语篇分析

8.Critical Discourse Analysis of English News Reports: A Cognitive Perspective;英语新闻语篇的认知—批评语篇分析

9.Critical Discourse Analysis of English Political News Reports;英语政治新闻报道的批评性话语分析

10.Analysis of Two News Reports from the Perspective of CDA;从批评性语篇分析透视两则新闻报道


12.A Critical Analysis of Evaluation in American Economic News Reports;对美国经济新闻报道中评价语言的批评性分析

13.His new book has been severely put down in the newspaper reports.他新出版的书受到了新闻报道的严厉批评。

14.Sexual Discrimination in English News;英语新闻中的性别歧视——对两篇新闻的批评性分析

15.The Application of CDA in the Western News Media批评语篇分析在西方新闻媒体中的应用

16.The minister was crucified by the press for his handling of the affair.部长对此事的处理方法受到新闻界的严厉批评。

17.A Pragmatic and Critical Analysis on Turn-taking Organization in News Interview in China;中国新闻访谈话轮转换系统的语用和批评分析

18.Critical Discourse Analysis on the News Reporting of Disaster;灾难性新闻报道的批评性话语分析研究


Journalism Television Criticism新闻式电视批评

1.Journalism Television Criticism:Power Role in Media System of America美国“新闻式电视批评”在媒介体系中的权力角色

3)news comment新闻评论

1.The Research on the Theory and Practice of News Comment of Mao Zedong;毛泽东新闻评论理论与实践研究

2.The development of Internet media,the "fourth media",has led thenews comments into a new ideological content,and also breaks the gap between media and audience.网络媒体这一"第四媒体"的迅速崛起为新闻评论注入了新的思想内涵,也打破了传统媒体中传者与受众的界限,使越来越多的网民参与到网络的评论中来。

4)news review新闻评论

1.Having stepped into a mature stage,news review are attached more and more importance by all media.新闻评论目前已发展到成熟期,越来越受到各种媒体的重视。

2.Economic review is defined as to give a timelynews review toward hot economic news or economic issue.经济时评就是对重大经济新闻或经济领域出现的热点问题、热点现象进行即时评说的一种新闻评论文体。

3.On this basis, the author discusses the types and features of network news, and the competition and integration of network reviews and traditionalnews reviews.网络新闻评论在我国从诞生到现在己经有了十年历程,在数量规模和普及程度上都己经走过了发轫期,影响力也日渐增强。

5)News Commentary新闻评论

1.Distance between Persuasion Communication Study andNews Commentary Education;说服传播理论与新闻评论教学的距离

2.The “irrefutable” commentary is the application in news commentary of “reduction to absurdity” in comedy and the caricature in arts.“颠扑不破”的评论手法是喜剧美学的“归谬法”、美术上的速写漫画手法在新闻评论中的运用。

6)news comments新闻评论

1.This paper stresses the connection between Taishigong s words and the tendency ofnews comments.本文着重论述了“太史公曰”与新闻评论倾向性之间的关联。

2.The use of the real name system in televisionnews comments can make the public opinion supervision practicable,strengthen the power in rectifying the unhealthy trend and evil influence and let televisionnews comments program go deep into all people s hearts.在电视新闻评论中坚持“实名制”可以使舆论监督落到实处,并能加大整顿社会歪风邪气、伸张正义的力度,使电视新闻评论节目深入人心。

3.Trope thoughts are of special value in the designation ofnews comments.比喻思维在新闻评论的构思中具有独特价值。


