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传导 conduction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-04 11:37:17


传导 conduction英语短句 例句大全



1.New knowing to the function of the large intestineconduction;对大肠“传导之官”功能的再认识

2.The probing of the liquid waterconduction laws through yarn" s capillary tubes液态水沿纱线毛细管传导规律探讨

3.Study on Conduction Mechanism to Finance Supporting Industry Optimization Selection from Strategy Perspective战略视角下金融支持产业优化选择的传导机理研究


1.A transmission line between an antenna and a transmitter.传导线天线和传导器之间的传导线

2.rom(unit of electrical conductivity)(电传导单位) 罗姆

3.The addition of inductance to a transmission line to improve its transmission characteristics.加感给导线增加传感以提高其传导性

4.Glass transmits light but not sound.玻璃传导光,但不能传导声音。

5.nerve conduction velocity神经传导速率 神经传导速率

6.The ability or power to conduct or transmit heat, electricity, or sound.传导性传导热、电、或声音的能力或能量

7.Enterprise Risk Conduction Based on Heat Conduction Principle;基于热传导原理的企业风险传导研究

8.Sound carries well over water; The airwaves carry the sound; Many metals conduct heat.声音在水中传导很快;广播传导声音;许多金属传导热量。

9.The conductibility of a structure, especially the ability of a nerve to transmit a wave of excitation.传导性组织的传导性,尤指神经对兴奋的传导能力

10.Why don"t you press the marker?你为什么不按下传导器?

11.(of a substance)allow(heat,electric current,etc)to pass along or through it(指物质)传导(热、电流等)

12.not able to conduct heat or electricity or sound.不能传导热、电或者声音。

13.thermal conductivity of whiteware ceramics陶瓷热传导率测定方法

14.left anterior hemi block左前半束支传导阻滞

15.field determination of hydraulic conductivity测定田间水力传导性

16.conductivity-temperature-depth probe传导性-温度-深度探测器

plete atrioventricular block完全性房室传导阻滞

18.congenital atrioventricular conductional block先天性房室传导阻滞



1.The Exploration of Monetary Policy Transmission in Developed Exogenous-economic Areas——in the Perspective of Dongguan外源型经济发达地区货币政策传导探讨——以东莞为视角

2.Using information theory and method,the paper discusses the information of stock pricetransmission theory of the monetary policy,and analyses existing problem in the stock price information of our country.本文运用信息的理论与方法,探讨了我国货币政策的股票价格信息传导理论,分析了我国股票价格信息传导中存在的问题,并为有效发挥我国股票价格信息在货币政策传导中的作用提出了政策性建议。

3.As a result of rigid financial constraint, the channels of exchange rate, interest rate, assets price and marketable credit of our country have been blocked and have to depend on administrative credittransmission, which cause the current financial regulation model not to match market-oriented real economy.严格的金融约束造成我国货币政策的汇率、利率、资产价格及市场性信贷等传导渠道不畅 ,不得不主要依靠行政性信贷传导 ,从而使现行金融调控模式与市场化的实质经济运行不相匹配。


1.Analysis on Characteristic of Coupling in the Course of Enterprise Risk Conduction;企业风险传导进程中的耦合性态分析

2.Water pressure pressing water-storing bag was utilized to control no-air water to be filled into shock wave generator to minimize bubble forming in shock wave outerconduct passway.结果:该改进后碎石机可以反复利用制备的无气水填注冲击波发生器内,减少冲击波体外传导途径内的气体含量,减少气泡形成,提高冲击波传导效率进而提高碎石效率,简化碎石操作程序使碎石过程更加合理。

3.Based on the structure design of satellite-borne information processor,thermal design withconduct and radiation techniques,heat dissipation of the information processor under microgravity state is resolved;and at environment temperature 21 ℃,heat distribution range of the information processor is 47 ℃~57 ℃,which is gained by calculation.在星载信息处理机结构设计的基础上,通过传导和辐射技术进行了热设计,解决了信息处理机在空间微重力状态下的散热问题。


1.Determination ofTranslocation and Distribution of Dichlorvos in Willow Tissue by SFE-GC/MS;基于SFE-GC/MS技术的敌敌畏在柳树中的传导与分布

2.The translocation,degeneration and residue of chemicals in trees are also discussed.本文从树干注药的器械和方法、使用的药物种类、药剂在树体内的传导、药剂在植物组织内的代谢和残留等方面,对树干注药技术的研究现状进行了综述。

3.By the methods of the active carbon isolation, spraying leaves and pouring roots, three novel herbicidal compounds, such as ZJ0166, ZJ0270, ZJ0273 were studied preliminarily. The result showed that the compounds with good translocation in plants,were absorbed through root,bud and leaves用活性碳隔离法和植株茎叶喷雾、灌根处理的方法,对新除草活性化合物ZJ0166、ZJ0270、ZJ0273的吸收和传导特性进行探索研究,研究结果表明,三只化合物均由根、茎叶、芽吸收,以根吸收为主,并在植物体内具有较好的双向传导性。


1.It concern about the Electrical magnetic emission measurement method include the radiated andconducted emission.4所规定的电磁骚扰测量方法,其中包括辐射骚扰和传导骚扰。

2.Based on the Boost converter with pulse width modulation control, this thesis does the research onconducted and radiated EMI modeling and simulation of the converter.本文以高频开关电源中脉宽调制(PWM——Pulse Width Modulation)控制的Boost升压变换电路为对象,对其传导和辐射的EMI建模与仿真进行了研究,主要研究成果如下:1。

3.Analysis of the general control system of the Conducted EMI noise source and the coupling is discussed.分析了一般控制系统中的传导干扰的噪声源及耦合、电磁干扰的一些模型和相关的EMC设计。



