300字范文 > 工作样片 daily prints;rushes;dailies英语短句 例句大全

工作样片 daily prints;rushes;dailies英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-18 10:09:12


工作样片 daily prints;rushes;dailies英语短句 例句大全

工作样片,daily prints;rushes;dailies

1)daily prints;rushes;dailies工作样片


1.The first unedited print of movie film usually viewed after a day"s shooting;the rushes.毛片未经剪接的第一张电影底片,通常在一天的拍摄后放映;工作样片

2."Yes, that"s why a film editor may revise his work prints many times before he achieves exactly the film he wants."对。所以剪辑师要将工作样片改了又改才能达到预期的效果。

3.An operator should be able to operate a number of such machines, at a maximum casting speed.一个操作工人可以最快的铸造速度操作数台这样的铸片机。

4."Like all work prints, the final cut is made from duplicate film; the original film remains untouched in the film laboratory."跟其他的工作片一样,精剪用的也是复印片;原片原封不动地保存在洗印车间里。

5.The effect is the same as that of placing a shunt resistor across the active gage.效果相当于跨工作应变片加了一个分流电阻器一样。

6.She showed pictures( colored slides) of her work and brought samples of cold-weather clothing for the students to try on.她显示了图片(的幻灯片)的她的工作和带来了样品冷风化衣物使学生尝试。

7.She used slides as a teaching aid.她用幻灯片作教学工具。

8.impeller clearance叶轮间隙;叶片间隙;导向叶片与工作叶片的间隙

9.During this time, she sang for her brother"s band and recorded her first demo in a studio her friend worked for.那时她在哥哥的乐队演唱,并在她朋友工作的一间录音棚中录制了自己的第一张试样唱片。

10.The portion of a workpane with a drop-down list and samples of preset styles and effects to apply to pictures工作窗格的一部分,它有一个下拉列表以及预置风格和应用到图片的效果样例

11.My job it the same old story-too much work for too little pay!我的工作是老花样——工作繁重,工资薄!

12.The work cards and the name cards free of charge.④ 免费提供专卖店员工工作证、长名片。

13.join tongue and groove, in carpentry.在木工工作中用舌片和槽沟联结。

14.That is also how submarines work.潜水艇也是这样工作的。

15.sample preparation workstation样品自动制备工作站

16.She makes herself generally useful.她能干各式各样的工作。

17.He works as hard as ever.他和往常一样努力工作。

18.They work hard, so do you.他们努力工作,你也一样。


work sample工作抽样

3)sampling work采样工作

4)Working template工作样图

5)Work samples工作样本


1.The hardness,microstructure and tension property of LM15 typeworking-clip were tested and analyzed in this paper.对LM 1 5型工作夹片的硬度、金相组织和拉伸性能进行了检测分析。


