300字范文 > 福建北部海域 the north of Fujian coast英语短句 例句大全

福建北部海域 the north of Fujian coast英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-31 23:19:01


福建北部海域 the north of Fujian coast英语短句 例句大全

福建北部海域,the north of Fujian coast

1)the north of Fujian coast福建北部海域

1.Study on the ecology of red tide Prorocentrum donghaiense inthe north of Fujian coast对近年来福建北部海域的东海原甲藻赤潮应急跟踪监测资料及赤潮发生海域的生态浮标连续监测数据进行初步分析,分析结果表明,东海原甲藻赤潮发生的最适水温和盐度范围分别为18。

2)Fujian Sea Water福建海域

1.Three New Species of Anthomedusae(Hydrozoa,Hydroidomedusae) from theFujian Sea Water;福建海域花水母亚纲三新种

3)northwestern Fujian福建西北部

1.There are fern plants with 44 families,96 genera and 328 species innorthwestern Fujian.福建西北部蕨类植物有44科,96属,328种及变种。

2.There are 124 species (including varieties, forma and cultivates ) belong to 15 genera in Bambusoideae innorthwestern Fujian.福建西北部竹亚科植物有15个属,124种及变种、变型、栽培型。

3.The article discussed the areal types of 36 genera and the geographic distribution of 41 species of the rare-and-nearly-annihilating plants in the Northwestern Fujian.论述了福建西北部41种珍稀濒危植物在全国的地理分布及其36属的分布区类型。


1.Flora Analysis of Wild Woody Scantentes in the North western Areas of Fujian.福建西北部野生木本攀援植物区系分析

2.Fujian, S Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, W Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, NW Jiangxi, C and SE Sichuan, Taiwan, SE Xizang, S Zhejiang; N Vietnam.福建、东、西、州、北西部、南、苏、西、川、湾、肃南部、藏、江及越南北部。

3.They had advanced 750 kilometers from where they crossed the Yangtze, to northern Fujian and northeastern Jiangxi.从渡江到追击最远的地方,即福建的北部、江西的东北部,前进一千五百里。

4.tiny gray woolly tufted annual with small golden-eyllow flower heads; southeastern California to northwestern Arizona and southwestern Utah; sometimes placed in genus Eriophyllum.产自加利福尼亚东南部至亚利桑那州西北部和犹他州西南部。

5.Seizing Hold of Opportunity Developing West China Creating Brilliance of Northwest Electric Power Construction Again;抓住西部开发机遇 再造西北电建辉煌

6.The Ministry disclosed that the floods have devastated a vast area of the country, from Shaanxi Province in the northwest, through Sichuan Province and Chongqing in the southwest, to Fujian Province and Jiangxi Province in the southeast.该部披露,洪水重创全国广大地区,从西北的陕西省经西南的四川省和重庆市到东南的福建、江西两

7.Fujian Province casey group steel and iron limited company, productiondepartment minister.福建省凯西集团钢铁有限公司,生产部部长。

8.The Development of Tourism in West Fujian ShouldCo-odinate with that in East Fujian;福建西部旅游开发必须走与东部协同之路

9.A study on the measurements of the dental arch width of the children in Fujian福建省北部地区儿童牙弓宽度测量研究

ments on the coking coal market in the south of the Northern China through the west part of HanGang expanding;从邯钢西区扩建看华北南部焦煤市场

11.Research on Constructing Information Database of Archival in the Beibu Gulf of Guangxi构建广西北部湾档案信息数据库研究

12.Study on the Culture Construction of the Guangxi Beibu Bay City Gruop广西北部湾经济城市群文化建设研究

13.Mount Wuyi Scenic Spot is situated in the north of Fujian Province and along the southeast slope of the northern section of Wuyi Mountain Range.武夷山风景区位于福建北部、武夷山脉北段东南麓。

14.Seize the Opportunity of Western Development Promote the Economic Development in Fujian Province;抓住西部大开发机遇 加快福建经济发展

15.Guangxi Beibu Gulf economic zone construction and Guangxi national relations development广西北部湾经济区建设与广西民族关系的发展

16.Our university building is now under construction on a hillside in the north of fukuoka city.我们的大学校舍正在兴建中,它建在福冈城北部的山坡上。

17.Our university building be now under construction on a hillside in the north of fukuoka city我们的大学校舍正在兴建中,它建在福冈城北部的山坡上

18.A Control Technique on Parasites of Nanjiang Yellow Goats in the Northern Mountainous Area of Fujian Province福建北部山区南江黄羊消化道寄生虫病控制技术的建立


Fujian Sea Water福建海域

1.Three New Species of Anthomedusae(Hydrozoa,Hydroidomedusae) from theFujian Sea Water;福建海域花水母亚纲三新种

3)northwestern Fujian福建西北部

1.There are fern plants with 44 families,96 genera and 328 species innorthwestern Fujian.福建西北部蕨类植物有44科,96属,328种及变种。

2.There are 124 species (including varieties, forma and cultivates ) belong to 15 genera in Bambusoideae innorthwestern Fujian.福建西北部竹亚科植物有15个属,124种及变种、变型、栽培型。

3.The article discussed the areal types of 36 genera and the geographic distribution of 41 species of the rare-and-nearly-annihilating plants in the Northwestern Fujian.论述了福建西北部41种珍稀濒危植物在全国的地理分布及其36属的分布区类型。

4)Central and north of Fujian Province福建中、北部

5)cage culture area福建围头海域

1.Fouling organisms in the open oceancage culture area in Weitou Bay,Fujian Province in China;福建围头海域深水网箱养殖区污损生物

6)Bay area of Fujian福建沿海区域


