300字范文 > 有效生态补偿 effective ecological compensation英语短句 例句大全

有效生态补偿 effective ecological compensation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-14 18:12:55


有效生态补偿 effective ecological compensation英语短句 例句大全

有效生态补偿,effective ecological compensation

1)effective ecological compensation有效生态补偿

2)ecological benefit compensation生态效益补偿

1.This paper probes into the legal basis and policy ofecological benefit compensation for public welfare forest from the aspect of CCP policies,Forest Law,Civil Law and Administration Law.我国的公益林生态效益补偿制度由天然林保护工程、退耕还林还草工程经济补偿规定、集体公益林生态效益补偿三部分构成。

2.Based on the investigation data in Zixing City of Huanan,this paper describes the relationship between the Collective Forestry Property Reformation and several basic legal systems,such as the forest properties,deforestation quota,forestry taxes,ecological benefit compensation and so on,as well as the their insufficiency.以湖南资兴市的调查资料为依据,论述了林权、森林限额采伐、林业税费、生态效益补偿等几个基本的法律制度与集体林权改革的关系及本身内容存在的不足。

3.The concept ofecological benefit compensation can be analyzed in sense of broad or narrow.生态效益补偿有广义和狭义之分。


1.On Market Mechanism of Ecological Benefit Compensation of Non-commercial Forest;公益林生态效益补偿的市场机制研究

2.Disquisition on the Mechanism of Forest Ecological Benefits Compensation for Collective Non-Commercial Forest in Guangxi;广西集体生态公益林生态效益补偿机制研究

3.Theoretical Research on Compensation System of Forest Eco-benefit in China;中国森林生态效益补偿制度理论研究

4.Analysis of Perfecting the Compersation System of Forestry Ecology Benefit in China;浅析完善中国森林生态效益补偿制度

5.Review on Progress of Forest Ecological Benefit Compensation Standard in China我国森林生态效益补偿标准研究进展

6.On Compensation for Forest Ecological Benefit Implemented by Qinghai Province青海省实施森林生态效益补偿的思考

7.Study on Benefits Compensation of Ecological Forests--A Case Study of Tonggu County in Jiangxi;公益林生态效益补偿研究——以江西铜鼓县为例

8.Discussion on Policy and Law of Compensation for Ecological Benefit of Welfare Forest;公益林生态效益补偿政策与法律问题探讨

9.On Ecological Benefit Compensation Policy and Regulation for Public Welfare Forest;我国公益林生态效益补偿政策与法规问题探讨

10.Theory Foundation of Establishment of Compensational Mechanism forEcological Benefits of Public Forest;建立公益林生态效益补偿制度的理论依据

11.Discussion on Building the Long-acting Mechanism of Forest Ecological Benefits Compensation;建立森林生态效益补偿长效机制的探讨

12.The development and basis of forest ecological compensation system;森林生态效益补偿制度的产生、发展与依据

13.Japanese Compensation Systems for Forest Ecological Benefits and Recent Implementation日本的森林生态效益补偿制度及最新实践

14.A Study on Capital Management of Forest Ecological Compensation in China我国森林生态效益补偿资金管理的研究

15.Study on the Classification Management and Forest Ecological Benefits Compensation of Sustainable Forestry;论持续林业的分类经营与生态效益补偿

16.The Research of Forest Compensation Mechanism in China;完善我国森林生态效益补偿途径的研究

17.Study of Theories and Methods about Standard of Compensation for Ecological Benefits of Forest;森林生态效益补偿标准理论与方法研究

18.Legislative Study on Payment Ecosystem Service of Water Resource in Three Gorges Reservoir;三峡库区水资源生态效益补偿制度立法研究


ecological benefit compensation生态效益补偿

1.This paper probes into the legal basis and policy ofecological benefit compensation for public welfare forest from the aspect of CCP policies,Forest Law,Civil Law and Administration Law.我国的公益林生态效益补偿制度由天然林保护工程、退耕还林还草工程经济补偿规定、集体公益林生态效益补偿三部分构成。

2.Based on the investigation data in Zixing City of Huanan,this paper describes the relationship between the Collective Forestry Property Reformation and several basic legal systems,such as the forest properties,deforestation quota,forestry taxes,ecological benefit compensation and so on,as well as the their insufficiency.以湖南资兴市的调查资料为依据,论述了林权、森林限额采伐、林业税费、生态效益补偿等几个基本的法律制度与集体林权改革的关系及本身内容存在的不足。

3.The concept ofecological benefit compensation can be analyzed in sense of broad or narrow.生态效益补偿有广义和狭义之分。

3)compensation for ecological benefit生态效益补偿

1.A system ofcompensation for ecological benefit of forest is a key measure ensuring sustainable development of non-industrial ecological forests.森林生态效益补偿制度的建立是保证我国生态公益林可持续发展的关键性措施。

2.Policy and law ofcompensation for ecological benefit, which cannot be neglected, becomes the key point and nodes of forestry management and reformation.生态效益补偿制度作为一个不可忽视的方面已成为林业分类经营改革的热点和难点。

4)ecological benefits compensation生态效益补偿

1.A comprehensive evaluation on implementingecological benefits compensation of the central finance in Jilin Province;吉林省实施中央财政森林生态效益补偿综合效益评价

2.Disquisition on the Mechanism of Forest Ecological Benefits Compensation for Collective Non-Commercial Forest in Guangxi;广西集体生态公益林生态效益补偿机制研究

5)ecological effect indemnity生态效益补偿费

1.To establish the principle of “keepers’benefiting from keeping" and the system of “eco-forest buy-in", to levyecological effect indemnity and to develop follow-up industry can attribute to produce long-term incentives to the peasants, which.确立“养护者受益”原则、建立“退耕生态林收购”制度、征收生态效益补偿费以及积极发展后续产业将有助于形成对退耕农长期有效的经济激励,从而保证退耕还林工程的持续性。

6)Ecological compensatory effect生态补偿效应


